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20141001 FMG concall

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HL7 TSC FMG Meeting Minutes


(voice and screen)

Date: 2014-mm-dd
Time: 1:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Chair: Lloyd Note taker(s): Lynn
Quorum = chair + 4 yes/no
Co chairs x David Hay x Lloyd McKenzie
ex-officio Woody Beeler,
Dave Shaver
FGB Co-chairs
x John Quinn, CTO
Members Members Members Observers/Guests
x Hans Buitendijk regrets Hugh Glover x Paul Knapp x Lynn Laakso, scribe
x Josh Mandel John Moehrke x Brian Pech x Brett Marquard
x Austin Kreisler



Lloyd convenes at 12:40 PM

  • Agenda Check; David asks for official approval for Grahame's FHIR connectathon next month. Need a place to indicate approved connectathons. David moves and Hans seconds approval of agenda as amended. Unanimously approved.
  • Minutes from
    • 20140910_FMG_concall, David moves and Hans seconds approval; unanimously approved.
    • 20140915_FMG_WGM, minutes include approval of Nov 7 connectathon in Australia… Hans moves and David seconds approval; unanimously approved.
    • 20140914_FGB_FMG_WGM, David moves and Hans seconds approval; Unanimously approved.
    • 20140918_FGB_FMG_WGM. Great suggestions for communications; do we need to review on an upcoming call? Invite the contact Grahame recommended (Brian Fitzgerald) to an upcoming call. Another communications person, Gavin Tong may also get involved. David comments on tutorial overlap; may need to address which tutorials to offer with which content. Add to upcoming agenda. Paul moves approval, second by Hans; approved 4/0/1 with David abstaining.
  • JohnQ, Austin, Brett Marquard and Josh join.
  • Administrative
  • Projects
    • Project Approval Request for C-CDA on FHIR for SDWG of SSD SD and FMG at Project Insight 1122
      • Austin reports the feedback from WGs as he has obtained their cosponsorship is that the timelines are too tight and the schedule has been relaxed.
      • CCDA on FHIR normative ballot in 2018 dependent on CCDA R2 and FHIR normative.
      • Grahame concerned about FHIR normative prior to CCDA profile work, notes Lloyd. CCDA profiles would provide vetting of the resources and is desired for DSTU2.
      • Austin says the WGs only have bandwidth to work on FHIR resources and CCDA profiles serially.
      • Do we delay DSTU2? If WGs can't finish analysis on the current DSTU2 timeline then we don't have a choice. Won't be popular with ONC but they need to bring people to do the work, then.
      • Phase 1 was this is what CCDA does now, and Phase 2 is what CCDA ought to be. If the phases are removed what is the plan? The intent is still in there but not to the extent previously defined.
      • Lloyd notes that the schedule was relaxed once already. Mapping to what already exists in CCDA is what is sought for DSTU2.
      • Seeking motion to approve project even with the concerns around the timeline. Readiness for March 30 is questionable with fallback plan to Sep ballot. Resources to assist with CCDA mapping effort will influence whether target timeline can be met. ACTION ITEM: Lloyd will draft a statement for the FHIR community around timelines.
      • Hans moves and Paul seconds approval of PSS with the intent to make the statement that March 30th is the deadline for making DSTU2 2015May.
  • Hans, John Q, Brett M leave
  • JohnQ notes that the Commonwealth of VA meets next month and seeks a presentation on FHIR. They are creating an HIE and wish to implement FHIR. John introduced them to the concept but want a more detailed presentation. Lloyd will review with John offline.
  • Next project:
    • Project Approval Request for Measure Report Profile using FHIR by CQI of DESD at Project Insight 1140
      • Lloyd notes that measure reports are definition mood kind of stuff and may require additional resources. Timeline includes subsequent ballots March-April 2015? Need resource proposal ASAP and readiness for draft for comment for January cycle. Report piece (summary reporting) not currently in FHIR, and definitions of quality measures or measures themselves are not supported by current resources.
      • Needs more discussion on their plans. Shouldn't SDWG be an interested party? Lynn will reach out to them to see if they can attend next week.
  • Process for requests to use FHIR name and logo (in a product).
    • Some feel it's an HL7 Executive Committee call, and they have not discussed yet.
    • Lloyd/Grahame feel having the name out there is a good thing and should not put barriers around it as long as they indicate the trademark held by HL7 and used with permission. Use of the logo is not indication of certification, conformance, or endorsement of product. Need a separate logo for products having been vetted.
    • David asks if approval would be granted for a company or for a specific product. Lloyd notes the use of the logo would acknowledge the trademark of the logo and set rules around the use.
    • Paul notes that there is protection of the mark, or the term. However we need to also protect the value.
    • Hans returns
    • Do we need to have them assert that they actually use FHIR in their product? How would we define "use" of FHIR in a product.
    • Paul feels logo/branding issue belongs to HQ. Does including it in the product include web site, product literature, other claims.
    • Lloyd would like to give a recommendation to them. What hurdle is not too onerous for both FMG and the user? They can only use it in their product with explicit written permission from HL7.
    • Paul asks if we should require a statement on how their product uses FHIR? Back to David's example for Orion, use in many products? Need to add description of the suite of projects. Need to name the product, not a blanket for the organization.
    • Being at time, Paul will draft a recommendation and discuss via Skype.

Adjourned 2:03 PM

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

20141008 FMG concall

  • Communications mechanisms - invite Brian/Gavin?
  • Tutorial content and selection

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