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2013-06-06 Tooling Call

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Tooling Meeting Template

Meeting Information

HL7 Tooling Meeting Agenda/Minutes

Location: Phone: +1 770-657-9270;
Participant PassCode:586935#

Date: 2013-06-06
Time: 2PM Eastern
GoToMeeting URL:
Facilitator: Dennis Cheung Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Attendee Name, Affiliation
regrets Woody Beeler, Beeler Consulting
x Wilfred Bonney, HL7 HQ
Jeff Brown, HL7 ES liaison
x Joshua Carmody, HL7 HQ Tooling Administrator
x Dennis Cheung, co-chair, eHealth Ontario
x Jane Curry, Templates, OHT liaison
Diego Kaminker, Education liaison
x Lynn Laakso, HL7 HQ Tooling Support
x Abdul-Malik Shakir, CIC liaison
John Ritter, EHR
Rik Smithies, CS liaison
x Brian Pech
Rene Spronk, Marketing liaison
x Andy Stechishin, Co-chair
Michael van der Zel, co-chair
x Helen Stevens
Quorum Requirements Met (co-chair plus 3 counting staff): (yes)


Agenda Topics

  • Roll Call & Agenda Review
  • Approval of previous minutes from 2013-05-30 Tooling Call
  • Review action items -
    • #2503 Jane and Lynn need to get feedback from Tooling and the Board on the policy implications for the Tooling Strategy. Meeting being scheduled to discuss with Board members.
    • #2506 Coordinate interaction with Vocabulary WG on UCPRS project (Andy)
    • #2510 Andy to develop a project scope statement to further flesh out the ontology work
    • #2511 Michael will create a first draft product matrix reflecting changes based on the product strategy.
    • #2512 Lynn will follow up with John Quinn on EHR-S FM project extension approval supported by Tooling and outstanding approval by John Quinn - waiting for updated contract from William.
    • #2513 Tooling to develop a template for what a tooling requirements report needs to contain. Assigned to Michael for now
    • #2514 Michael will create a PSS for the UML Tooling BoF. Initial draft has not yet been circulated to the list.
    • #2520 Josh to Update the EA license management process document.

Discussion topics:

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  • Roll Call & Agenda Review - Dennis convened at 2:05 PM. Approval by general consent.
  • Approval of previous minutes from 2013-05-30 Tooling Call Andy moves and AMS seconds approval. Helen and Jane abstain approve 4/0/2
  • Review action items -
    • #2445 Woody to write an article about 64 bit OS for RMIM designer - Andy sent a note to Andrea to let her know to expect an article and will work with Woody to meet the 14th deadline.
    • #2503 Jane and Lynn need to get feedback from Tooling and the Board on the policy implications for the Tooling Strategy. Jane suggests getting Karen to set up the meeting in order to validate assumptions. Lynn will contact Karen for assistance.
    • #2506 Coordinate interaction with Vocabulary WG on UCPRS project (Andy). The two groups will be able to work more directly once Vocab names a new Tooling liaison.
    • #2510 Andy to develop a project scope statement to further flesh out the ontology work. He has a couple things before sending to Rik for review.
    • #2511 Michael will create a first draft product matrix reflecting changes based on the product strategy. Michael is not on the call. Lynn's draft spreadsheet has the product family incorporates this effort. Close this tracker.
    • #2512 Lynn will follow up with John Quinn on EHR-S FM project extension approval supported by Tooling and outstanding approval by John Quinn - waiting for updated contract from William. Discussion on agenda below.
    • #2513 Tooling to develop a template for what a tooling requirements report needs to contain. Assigned to Michael for now, not on the call.
    • #2514 Michael will create a PSS for the UML Tooling BoF. Initial draft has not yet been circulated to the list. not on the call.
    • #2520 Josh to Update the EA license management process document.
      • Josh drafted a de facto licensing process.
      • Tooling should accept them or provide comments. Andy finds them straightforward and has no issues. He would like to see Woody's review. Jane would like to see the existence of these processes more broadly communicated. It was discussed before where this would be placed on the website. How to communicate that the process exists is another issue - e.g. cochairs meeting, cochairs handbook, and newsletter article. She suggests that the approved documents be distributed to the cochairs list and suggest they present the new process in their work groups or distribute to their own lists. We may want to track the effectiveness of this communication strategy through Josh's interaction with requestors. Josh confirms that Sparx has provided a list of the users to whom they have provided licenses but not necessarily those that obtained them through the flyers at the WGM.

Discussion topics:

  • Update on PI# 831 EHR-S FM Profiling Tool
    • review of the deliverables from Tooling's standpoint
      • Andy gives an overview. 2013-May-final release has a number of files including PDFs describing the tool. The main piece is the installer msi. Andy then signs off the call to prevent conflict of interest and facilitate discussion.
      • Helen reports that EHR voted two weeks ago to approve Phase 1 deliverables, and this past week approved proceeding with Phase 2.
    • recommendation to John Quinn on if Tooling believes the project should continue with Phase 2.
      • Helen reports they're looking for three priorities - requirements analysis and documentation, continued development of the tool for profile development; and to enable structural redevelopment of the EHR S FM currently underway with Steve Hufnagel.
      • Benefit of restructuring FM includes tooling enablement and better structured product. Anneke is developing Phase 2 PSS for EHR cochairs review. Steve expects to produce proof-of-concept before 2013Sept meeting. EHR has completed ballot recon for EHR-S FM R2 and will use the tool for non-substantive changes and publication later this month.
      • Jane notes that Phase 2 will need to be in two phases also for budgeting purposes, with requirements completed and accepted by EHR WG before proceeding with estimates for development phase. Helen hopes for a more iterative process as they don't know what they need until they see what the tool could do.
      • Scope has not changed, so a new RFP not needed. Initial envelope (funding) included in the initial plan.
      • New project scope statement will have update to the plan. Helen moves that Tooling agree in principle to proceed with Phase 2, seconded by Jane with review of the updated scope statement. Jane moves approval of the phase 1 deliverables with second by Helen. Lynn abstains, passes 4/0/1.
      • Helen requests as they're testing the tool in June for ISO balloting to recognize that this function is the ultimate test of the tool. William and Anneke have promised to support that process as well in the deliverables for Phase 1 validation. AMS asks if they are offering a warranty and will make repairs if the process fails? She expects they'll make a fix for a subsequent release if needed but suggests ongoing support contracts for such interests. AMS notes that if they identify new features they wish to have developed. The overall approach for support and enhancement for HL7 tools by their toolsmiths is a conversation for another day.
  • Helen leaves the call.
  • Update on HL7 Tooling Challenge PI# 913 - conducted this week with Q&A summary sent to participants, with another call to be scheduled in two weeks on the 17th.
  • Update on PI# 801 Tooling Strategy and Process Revision
    • Initial list of tools developed for the Membership Task Force on the April 25th call, in classifying HL7 sponsored tooling. See email message at
    • Spreadsheet developed with columns are the information that the Tooling WG wishes to make available about each tool according to the Tooling Strategy. This is also essentially the information that we would put on the new tooling web page proposed in the tooling strategy.
    • What do we need to include from the list on the Tools and Resources web page, or from the list of GForge projects
    • Lynn asks everyone to review for next week. We'll put this first on the agenda for the 13th.
  • Tooling article topics - 64 bit OS RIM designer, licensing processes, the new tooling web page

Adjourned 2:59 PM

Meeting Outcomes

  • .
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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