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Revision as of 01:48, 20 January 2012

Hot Topic
Pharmacy WG Welcome

The Pharmacy Work Group helps to assure that the HL7 messages and models concerning medication related information - including prescribing, dispensing, and administering medication - address all of the requirements of the many stake holders and variations in different countries.

Conference Calls

As of January 2012 regular conference calls take place every Monday between Working Group Meetings at 1600 Eastern time). The dial in number is (+1)770 6579 270 pass code 458 523. There is also a GoToMeeting link that is sometimes used, follow (mtg ID to be established. All active participants and other interested individuals are invited to join us for this call. An agenda is usually posted with the previous weeks minutes.

Conference call minutes are posted here

Working Practices

Pharmacy WG use of Subversion

Action Item List

This captures outstanding work items and can be found here on the GForge SVN site under PharmacySig/PharmacySig/Documents. Current version is Orland WGM 2011 or later.

Other Topics

Pharmacy Hot Topics

(Obsolete) Pharmacy WG list server discussions

Model Notes and Change History

Proposals for updates or additions

Ballot Preparation and Sources


Architectures and Processes - this page describes the matrix of architectures and process covered by the pharmacy domain. It is an entry point to Implementation guidance.

Out of Cycle Meetings

2011-02 Exeter

2011-10 Paris

Implementation Guidance Index - provides a general index to all the Pharmacy WG implementation guidance.