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Patient Care Change Requests
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This is the collection of change requests for the Patient Care domain. Patient Care
At of now this list is a starting point for the promoting Patient Care from DSTU to Normative Standard.
PC thanks dr. Kai Heitmann for facilitating the creation of this wiki!
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Outstanding Requests
- PCCR-002-Care Plan use
- PCCR-005-Rename Assessment Scales
- PCCR-010-Additional queries
- PCCR-012-Query for encounters
- PCCR-016-Dynamic Model
- PCCR-018-Transactions across groups
- PCCR-020-Missing RMIMs
- PCCR-022-Importance of history now future
- PCCR-023-Patient Care home for more topics
- PCCR-032-Query for class attributes
- PCCR-033-Support for Vaccination Records
- PCCR-034-Condition
- PCCR-040-Cardinality of author attributes
- PCCR-041-Cardinality of contextControlCode in actRelationships
- PCCR-043-Missing priorityCode in Concern
Coming from the PC Project Matrix are 45, 47, 48, 49 below
- PCCR-045 Datatypes R2
- PCCR-046 Management Process
- PCCR-047 Concern Class
- PCCR-048 Cared Entity CMET
- PCCR-049 Problem, Diagnosis & Concern
Pending Requests
- PCCR-013-Templates ongoing work joint with templates
- PCCR-026-Link between models and templates ongoing work joint with templates
- PCCR-014-Schedules too vague, needs more input from submitter before we are able to handle it.
- PCCR-015-Counsellor defer to Vocab WG, PC cannot handle this.
- PCCR-017-HL7 movement too vague, needs more input from submitter before we are able to handle it.
- PCCR-021-Capture semantics in the depth too vague, needs more input.
- PCCR-025-Patient administration DMIM inconsistency ongoing work with PA on harmonization
- PCCR-030-New trigger events Nullify interaction will be written up around sept 2012 ballot.
Withdrawn Requests
Dispositioned Requests
These items have either been dealt with in ballot reconciliation and are now part of normative materials, or the decision on how to handle it is made and it is included in ongoing PC projects, or currently underway to be handled by others.
- PCCR-000-CareStatement in DMIM D-MIM and R-MIMs 2000, 3000 and 4000 updated in Jan 2012
- PCCR-001-Missing Allergy Model Solved in 2009 DSTU ballot, see normative editions
- PCCR-003-Synchronize with Clinical Statement Decision by Patient Care May 2011 to replace care statement with clinical statement and in D-MIM draft for normative ballot
- PCCR-004-Patient Person context Does not need a change in current D-MIM / R-MIMs
- PCCR-006-Add Medication information Is in clinical statement
- PCCR-007-Multidisciplinary Collaboration Participant relation 0..* is in D-MIM
- PCCR-008-Consent model In draft DMIM in preparation for normative: included by William Goossen May 2011
- PCCR-009-Reason in Response Model is in there
- PCCR-011-Medication subscriptions is in clinical statement
- PCCR-019-Overview Structure versus Content See proposals on wiki for D-MIM ballot.
- PCCR-024-RMIMs for other domains PC harmonized to allow this via using clinical statement.
- PCCR-031-Assessment Scale upgrade send to publishers after finalization May 17 2011 by William Goossen
- PCCR-042-Invalid XML fin 2012-02-20
- PCCR-044-Missing sequenceNumber in actRelationship reason Added 17th Jan
Dispositioned Requests Yet To Be Actioned
- PCCR-025-Patient administration DMIM inconsistency Harmonization with PA: part of adding reason to Act Care Provision (with CMET supporting clinical statement). Dealt with by William Goossen Sept 13 2011.