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2015-04-06 Rx Conf Call
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- Melva Peters (Chair)
- Tim McNeill
- John Hatem (Scribe)
- Scott Robertson
- Marla Albitz
- 2015-03-30_Rx_Conf_Call
- 2015-03-23_Rx_Conf_Call
- 2015-03-16_Rx_Conf_Call Cancelled
- 2015-03-09_Rx_Conf_Call
- 2015-03-03_Rx_Conf_Call
- 2015-02-23_Rx_Conf_Call
- 2015-02-16_Rx_Conf_Call
- 2015-02-09_Rx_Conf_Call
- DSTU 2 is now available for review and ballot comments
- Marla A will document HL7 v2 to Pharmacy Resource mappings and document any issues in the ballot
- Tim M and Scott R will document NCPDP to Pharmacy Resource mappings and document any issues in the ballot
- All other interested parties are encouraged to enter ballot comments regarding our Pharmacy resource findings. John suggested emphasis to be put on status, vocabulary from those most skilled in those areas
- All ballot comments will be reviewed as part of our normal ballot review. But it was agreed that we may discuss some of these issues prior to the formal ballot review process.
- Melva to follow up with Jean D to find out current status of the work he had completed as part of creating the Pharmacy DSTU2 content.
Action: Jean will put a document together and send to list - discuss next meeting - deferred
- Timing Datatype Pharmacy has 1 use case for timing data type - we want to be able to include interval on timing - this is in the set of requirements for the datatype - There is a tracker item - Pharmacy should add this use case (Tracker 3841)
- John has wording to be added to description - John has question on this item. Will follow up with Melva.
List Serve
CCDA Template work
- John and Melva have continued to work on the attributes for the CCDA templates have identified some items that need to be looked at - will report soon.
- March 9, 2015 - no update
- April 6, 2015 - no update
Use Cases for Supply Chain
- Use Cases for Supply Chain - will bring in O&O and Pharmacy WG
- IHE working on a White Paper - want a common pattern regardless of the type of product
- Extensive discussion - Jose concerned about workflow and content - pharmacy mainly focused on content. There are also concerns about different groups in HL7 handling the same supply chain process in different ways.
- March 9, 2015 - no update
- March 30, 2015 - Jose has posted a new White Paper
- April 6, 2015 - no update
Action: Post link to this document for review in the minutes.
- Jose still interested and has forwarded to Grahame and hence to Lloyd for comments from a FHIR perspective. No major comments.
- Discussion of use cases - Hugh / John both felt existing resources have the information required, but workflow issues are not a part of the pharmacy resources. If there is some additional information required Pharmacy would be happy to add that.
- March 9, 2015 - no update
- March 30, 2015 - no update
- April 6, 2015 - no update
Pharmacy Glossary
- March 9, 2015 - no update
- March 30, 2015 - no update - PSS outstanding
- April 6, 2015 - Action: Melva to create PSS target for this week ending April 11.
Clinical Quality Framework Initiative - developing profiles
- work has led to a number of extensions -
- Pharmacy will discuss the duration (over 5 days or where there is no start/end date)
- March 30, 2015 - no update
- April 6, 2015 - no update
Next meeting
- Cancel April 13, 2015 meeting due to HIMSS
- Next meeting: April 20, 2015