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20131217 FGB concall

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HL7 TSC FGB Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#
GoToMeeting ID: 334-756-981

Date: 2013-12-17
Time: 8:00 AM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Ron Parker Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Quorum = Chair plus 2 yes/no
Chair/CTO Members Members
x Ron Parker x George (Woody) Beeler x Ewout Kramer
John Quinn Grahame Grieve
observers/guests x Austin Kreisler
x Lynn Laakso, scribe


  • Roll call -
  • Agenda Review
  • Approve minutes of 20131203 FGB concall, 20131126 FGB concall (notes no quorum), 20131112 FGB concall
  • Action Item review:
    • Grahame will address with Electronic Services on FHIR information on the HL7 website. e.g. banner scrolling at the top.
    • FMG & FGB to each discuss term staggering - status of M&C update - defer term staggering to M&C update resolution
    • Ron will schedule Woody, Grahame, Ron, and Austin/John to be on a call to evaluate policy assertions with conformity to ISO Datatypes
    • Ron develop precepts from the risks (conformity assessments, appeal processes, composition of FMG)
    • Align RACI chart for the FMG/FGB relationship with FGB M&C with it and do some mapping.
    • Define metrics for FMG representative reporting to FGB
    • Ron will reach out to Ken to invite him to an upcoming call to discuss the OMG interest
    • John will ask Chuck about reaching out to Halamka to coordinate the FHIR message and ask him to nominate someone to represent his viewpoint in this exercise, and give an update next week.
    • poll FGB members and FMG for perception for providers
  • FMG update -
  • Methodology update-
  • Next steps: Define and Resource other Governance processes.

Next steps: Define and Resource other Governance processes.

    • Criteria for seeking policy assertions,
    • escalation points on risk items triggering governance action


Convened at 8:05 AM

  • Roll call -
  • Agenda Review - add review of excel spreadsheet; TSC authorization of FMG to approve reconciliation subject to FGB criteria
  • Approve minutes of
  • Ron out next week and following so next call in January
  • TSC authorization of FMG to approve reconciliation subject to FGB criteria. Motion: Woody moves that relative to FHIR ballot reconciliation, the individual HL7 WGs will be responsible for making the primary findings and disposition and voting on them and FMG is responsible for approving final package of disposition and posting to ballot desktop and seeking withdrawal of negatives and approval of ballot. Ewout seconds, passes unanimously
    • Items that have been handled by the core team should have their ballot comment dispositions ratified by vote in MnM. It is FMGs responsibility to ensure that issues from the ballot are handled by one of the domain WGs or by MnM. Ewout reviews some of the dispositions that are unclear as to which WG provided the bulk votes or persuasive findings (e.g. PHER).
    • It's our first precept!
  • Action Item review:
    • Grahame will address with Electronic Services on FHIR information on the HL7 website. e.g. banner scrolling at the top. John was also going to talk to the HL7 tech team but there is no update. It should have a main page on the HL7 site that would redirect to the wiki. ACTION ITEM: Lynn will follow up with HQ.
      • Ewout is asked to re-send the HIMSS overview text and the assertions that HL7 wants to make about FHIR with respect to other assets and use it on the page.
    • FMG & FGB to each discuss term staggering - status of M&C update - defer term staggering to M&C update resolution
      • M&C reviewed and updated so will send out for e-vote to ensure Grahame and John review.
    • Ron will schedule Woody, Grahame, Ron, and Austin/John to be on a call to evaluate policy assertions with conformity to ISO Datatypes; not done
    • Ron develop precepts from the risks (conformity assessments, appeal processes, composition of FMG); not done
    • Align RACI chart for the FMG/FGB relationship with FGB M&C with it and do some mapping. Not done
    • Define metrics for FMG representative reporting to FGB - not done
    • Ron will reach out to Ken to invite him to an upcoming call to discuss the OMG interest
    • John will ask Chuck about reaching out to Halamka to coordinate the FHIR message and ask him to nominate someone to represent his viewpoint in this exercise, and give an update next week.
    • poll FGB members and FMG for perception for providers - one proposal was received
  • Next meeting - January 7th. Review provider list and identify candidates. Lynn will re-send the request for candidates to the list.

Adjourned 8:54 AM

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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