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20130415 FMG concall

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HL7 TSC FMG Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#

Date: 2013-04-15
Time: 1:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Chair: LLoyd Note taker(s): Lynn
Quorum = chair + 4 yes
Co chairs x Hugh Glover x Lloyd McKenzie
ex-officio x Ron Parker, FGB Chair . John Quinn, CTO
Members Members Observers/Guests
Lorraine Constable x John Moehrke x Lynn Laakso, scribe
x Jean Duteau x Brian Pech x Austin Kreisler
x David Hay


  • Roll Call
  • Agenda Check
  • Minutes from 20130408_FMG_concall
  • Project approval: FHIR Resources for FM
  • Administrative
    • Action items
      • Ron to address concept of FHIR WG with FGB.
      • Lloyd will pass to Grahame the request to update the Automated QA steps section of FHIR QA Guidelines.
      • Lloyd asks Austin/Lynn to bring up feedback on patient search/lookup for a more general participation and discuss scenarios for connectathon at the FGB call
      • Hugh will take a first pass at cross references on quality metrics column headings with detail on their meaning for others' review.
      • All - review Risk Assessment matrix (minutes from 2 weeks ago)
  • Reports
  • Process management
  • AOB (Any Other Business)


  • Roll Call
  • Agenda Check Hugh moves, Brian seconds approval of agenda. Unanimously approved.
  • Minutes from 20130408_FMG_concall; John moves and Hugh seconds approval - unanimously approved.
  • Project approval: FHIR Resources for FM
  • Administrative
    • Action items
      • Ron to address concept of FHIR WG with FGB. Have not pursued further since 20130313 FGB concall. The work is getting done but a structural and perspective concern, ownership of product line, product family. With SDWG you see some problems that occur, notes Jean, where they are defining content that concerns SME from other domains. Accountability and authority is of concern but so is the utility and consumability of the product. Continuity and consistency in product family while engaging domain expertise in product line. It would also provide formalisms for setting up meetings, concalls, work group health tracking.
      • Lloyd will pass to Grahame the request to update the Automated QA steps section of FHIR QA Guidelines. Lloyd has pinged Grahame again; content is semi-frozen for connectathon and QA review so might have a chance.
      • Lloyd asks Austin/Lynn to bring up feedback on patient search/lookup for a more general participation and discuss scenarios for connectathon at the FGB call - close this item.
      • Hugh will take a first pass at cross references on quality metrics column headings with detail on their meaning for others' review. No progress
      • All - review Risk Assessment matrix (minutes from 2 weeks ago); Lloyd confesses he has, at least, downloaded the matrix. Please provide feedback in time for prioritization and precept development, and will begin enacting elements at the joint meeting at the WGM on Friday with FGB.
  • Reports
    • Connectathon management (David/Brian) David reports by Skype he sent an article for newsletter, 10 attendees registered with 2 observers, Brian to host remote server. Should we have a participant questionnaire for feedback? David will draft one for review on the next call.
    • FGB – risk assessment attached, next will be working on prioritization. The FGB call is his last call before the WGM when he'll be out of contact. Planning to add another person to the FGB. Working with Education Director on developing a plan. FGB will develop goals for education over a particular period and bring to FMG to make it happen. Ron will document approach to escalation/appeal process and give feedback to the Management group. Concern is over elements that are not already part of regular processes, e.g. prioritization of what's in the work list. Ron notes Lloyd and Grahame's work with NHIN DIRECT from ONC, and FGB's concern over government use of material not even in DSTU. Lloyd responds they have had one conversation and need another. Three different implementation guides proposed for privacy/consent controls and their context was discussing their use of REST. They cautioned that it shouldn't be a transport-level thing. John reviewed further the approaches of DIRECT and is on the committee and requests more information. Lloyd will follow up.
    • MnM – ballot reconciliation continued on last call. They will be scheduling sessions in ATL to work on FHIR methodology.
    • FMG Liaisons – Jean reports PC is having problems. Too much criticism and not enough contribution stifles work. John suggests some governance mechanisms to help the SME/user community with technical modeling. Separation of elaboration of requirements versus developing the solution is problematic. Lloyd also notes there are many last minute resource requests prior to the deadline.
  • Process management
    • FMG Tracking Sheet reviewed. Liaisons need to update each of their areas.
  • Risk assessment - some comments provided; Ron will try to have another FGB person to steward this discussion for continuing the walkthrough next week.

Adjourned 2:02 PM ET

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20130422 FMG concall

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