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20130313 FGB concall

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HL7 TSC FGB Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#
GoToMeeting ID: 489-406-709

Date: 2013-03-13
Time: 5:00 PM U.S. Eastern DAYLIGHT Time
Facilitator: Ron Parker Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Quorum = Chair plus 2 yes/no
Chair/CTO Members Members
x Ron Parker x George (Woody) Beeler x Ewout Kramer
John Quinn Grahame Grieve
observers/guests x Austin Kreisler
x Lynn Laakso, scribe
x Brian Pech


  • Roll call -
  • Agenda Review
  • Approve minutes of 20130227 FGB concall
  • Action Item review:
    • Lynn will transfer FHIR risks to the spreadsheet to review impact etc. Need a column for mitigations or link to the mitigations, where they may be related as an n:n relationships.
    • Ron takes an action item to talk to Charlie Mead about a diagram to represent the relationships if risks link to mitigations and the mitigations link to governance points, suggests a model with no more than five classes including risks, governance points, mitigations, and management
    • Lynn to forward the resource material on risk assessment to the group.
    • Add to FGB agenda to prep that conversation on education in Atlanta.
  • FMG update -
    • FMG feels we may need an FHIR WG in order to ensure that all ballot comments (whether from formal ballot or from Connectathon feedback in DSTU) are assigned and appropriately addressed. See: Ballot_Resolution
  • Methodology update-
  • Review precepts, associated governance points and risks
  • HL7/IHE/DICOM coordination (John)
  • HIMSS feedback?
  • Next steps: Define and Resource other Governance processes.
    1. Education
      • Need a work plan that is coordinated with HL7 Education Director
    2. Conformity Assessment
    3. Appeal Process / Escalation
      • What is the appeal process for resources not chosen for inclusion in the ballot?
      • What is the appeal / escalation process for Management decisions?
      • What is the appeal / escalation process for Governance decisions?Responsibilities for resources (education, conformity process, appeal process)


Ron reports that Infoway will be doing a webinar on CIMI and FHIR as emerging standards work. Grahame's presentation from HIMSS had good talking points. Convened at 5:21 with Ewout's arrival

  • Approve minutes of 20130227 FGB concall Woody moves and Ewout seconds approval; unanimously approved
  • Action Item review:
    • Ongoing action item: FGB has responsibility to underscore from HL7 official perspective the provision of educational material e.g. HIMSS
    • Lynn will transfer FHIR risks to the spreadsheet to review impact etc. Need a column for mitigations or link to the mitigations, where they may be related as an n:n relationships. This was done and distributed. Need to evaluate pointers from mitigations to governance points.
    • Ron takes an action item to talk to Charlie Mead about a diagram to represent the relationships if risks link to mitigations and the mitigations link to governance points, suggests a model with no more than five classes including risks, governance points, mitigations, and management. Charlie not yet available.
    • Add to FGB agenda to prep that conversation on education in Atlanta. Need workplan coordinated with HL7 Education director. FHIR's role in strategic education plan should be considered. Austin suggests inviting Sharon to one of our calls. Need to set expectations for ongoing education on FHIR and delegate to others besides Grahame. One session for WG modeler from Grahame, Lloyd does the general education, and Ewout the software developers. Need to establish FHIR education requirements on an ongoing basis. Ewout speaking to HL7 UK TSC on FHIR tomorrow. HL7 Norway is organizing full-day courses on it. The Education planning needs to identify all the channels we need to inform our internal and external community. As we go to DSTU educational requirements will shift, and implementations by customers will create different educational requirements. Woody cautions that we must circumscribe what HL7 is responsible for versus what we enable, as with W3C in open standards. ACTION ITEM: Lynn will invite Sharon to the March 27th call.
  • New HL7 logo used at HIMSS discussed. Ewout asks if the new flyer was distributed. Woody didn't notice it.
  • FMG update -
    • FMG feels we may need an FHIR WG (see 20130211_FMG_concall)in order to ensure that all ballot comments (whether from formal ballot or from Connectathon feedback in DSTU) are assigned and appropriately addressed. See: Ballot_Resolution
      • When discussed in Phoenix Woody notes that it was felt it was managed fine under MnM and so no separate WG was needed. Two of three cochairs of FHIR core group are MnM cochairs also. Ewout notes that the idea of the FHIR WG would solve a short-term problem but is a long term solution. The FMG is managing the ballot which is typically the task of a WG. Delegating responsibility to resources for resolution of the ballot is the issue. But they are already receiving the reconciliation of core FHIR issues in MnM. It's still working, let's not change it.
  • Methodology update-
  • Review precepts, associated governance points and risks
    • Risk Assessment process, document, and spreadsheet
      • ACTION ITEM: Ron to walk the FMG through this model at the next call and gather their thoughts, mitigations, triggers, metrics.
      • ACTION ITEM: FGB needs to look at the document for populating the impact/likelihood, type and walk through it on the next call.
      • Ewout asks the group to maintain this through SVN.
      • Score card reviewed; formulas will need to be updated. The score card may assist with escalation as part of governance point model
  • Ewout notes that using the FHIR standard includes the use of profiles. We need a library to manage profiles and extensions. Starting with DSTU, HL7 International should host such a repository. Woody notes there's no money from HQ to build such a thing, but HingX could be considered. Ewout notes that every FHIR server is a profile resource. Perhaps HL7 should host a FHIR resource server. Ewout and Grahame's servers are in the cloud. Austin notes that John Quinn needs to be involved in this discussion.
  • Next week will walk through the risk assessment spreadsheet.

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • Lynn will invite Sharon to the March 27th call.
  • Ron to walk the FMG through this model at the next call and gather their thoughts, mitigations, triggers, metrics.
  • FGB needs to look at the document for populating the impact/likelihood, type and walk through it on the next call.
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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