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2012-07-12 Tooling Call

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Tooling Meeting

Meeting Information

HL7 Tooling Meeting Agenda/Minutes

Location: Phone: +1 770-657-9270;
Participant PassCode:586935#
GoToMeeting URL:

Date: 2012-07-12
Time: 10:00 am EDT
Facilitator: Tim Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Attendee Name, Affiliation
. .
x Woody Beeler, Beeler Consulting
x Wilfred Bonney, HL7 HQ
x Joshua Carmody, HL7 HQ Tooling Administrator
Lorraine Constable, HL7 ES liaison
x Jane Curry, Co-Chair
x Tim Ireland, Co-chair
x Mike Kingery, HQ
x Lynn Laakso, HL7 HQ Tooling Support
x Abdul-Malik Shakir, Shakir Consulting
John Ritter, EHR
regrets Andy Stechishin, Co-chair
Quorum Requirements Met (co-chair plus 3 counting staff): yes


Agenda Topics


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Tim called to order at 10:06 AM

  • Roll Call & Agenda Review
  • Approval of previous minutes from 2012-07-05 Tooling Call - changes to attendance. Move by Jane, second Woody, Mike abstains. Approved 4/0/1.
  • Review action items -
    • 1998: Woody spoke with Charlie - he wants to prevent users from seeking fixes from Ramsey Systems. He's not pursued the source. Woody would just be updating the package. Jane notes we could put the source on OHT forge site.
    • 2294: Lynn followed up again with Justin Fyfe but no word back
  • Steering Division representative election: Jane moves we vote for Andy, Woody seconds. Unanimously approved. ACTION ITEM: Tim will cast the WG vote after the call
  • Josh joins the call. He updates on the action item 2003 he expects to be able to present his findings soon. Jane proposes first week in August.
  • Review projects:
    Tooling-sponsored Projects
    • PI# 904 HL7/OHT Health Ingenuity Exchange Alpha Program Participation
      Next step: Presentation on how to use HingX at Tooling telecom; TSC agreed to participation. What Tooling resources should be used in the near term to work with it. Templates WG agreed to use it for Business Process Requirements documentation. Kai working with DECOR trialing Templates ITS, that will work with HingX sandbox.
      • Jane made a tentative attempt to document the RIM and relationships.
      • Discussion ensued on who the consumer groups or community members need to be; each WG for its artifacts, or the Publishing WG, or by Project. As the artifact registry HL7 has sought for some time, that is why the Publishing WG signed on, they would like one set of interfaces and metadata rather than for each WG.
      • Jane suggests that final products released from HL7 International i.e. Normative Edition would be discoverable through Publishing User group, but other projects or WGs could use HingX as a registry for their versions available. It was thought it would be a communication vehicle to expose project work to a broader community. Registry allows Human communication of interdependencies between artifacts, as well as machine communication of where the artifact is and how to get it is registry. We could have a community for MAX or EHR-FM. User groups are not hierarchical.
      • Tim describes comparable work of Maven as artifact registry. This looks like a Web UI version of a Maven registry.
      • Jane shows social networking features as well for community interaction, comments, 'likes' and 'follows'.
      • Woody describes the function as a replacement of ability lost 7 years ago from 2 databases to describe everything HL7 has with appropriate metadata: A place to document the material and have the necessary queries but keep our SVN. Jane notes that the relationships between the data are an important part. Jane would like to have an abstract, a composite and a reference. She shows the relation types. She'd like to see a pattern of relationships at an abstract level.
      • Woody notes we might register SMDs and each RMIM, categorize the content of the domains, perhaps the interactions. What are we willing to try to support. AMS notes that with the artifacts registered others can identify relationships to other items such as derivatives of the RIM. Can also filter registry entries by who contributed them, to eliminate noise from others asserting relationships to HL7 artifacts.
      • Jane demonstrates editing of an entry.
    • Tim notes that we're running out of time. Jane suggests we keep HingX off next agenda and devote time to establishing panel for evaluation of RFP responses.
    • PI# 831 EHR-S FM Profiling Tool
  • Adjourned 11:11 AM EDT.

Meeting Outcomes

  • Tim will cast the WG vote for SD representative after the call.
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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