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File list

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
18:55, 21 September 2016 WedQ3Catalog.pptx (file) 90 KB   1
14:23, 9 November 2015 SDC Overview for PC Nov 2015.pptx (file) 1,004 KB   1
21:40, 18 March 2016 SDC HL7 WG Updates 2016-3-17.pptx (file) 1.2 MB   1
23:02, 29 June 2017 Personal Advance Care Plan Notes from Lisa.pdf (file) 985 KB   1
21:23, 24 March 2017 Orthopedic use case.xlsx (file) 84 KB Updated during 3/24 LHS conference call 2
22:43, 7 December 2017 HL7 Nutrition on FHIR.pptx (file) 634 KB   1
01:51, 12 September 2017 HL7PatientCareProduct Matrix 2017Sep-v010.xls (file) 49 KB   1
01:53, 20 January 2017 HL7PatientCare-WGM-Jan2017-SDC.pptx (file) 980 KB   1
13:53, 9 May 2016 HL7PatientCare-WGM-DraftAgenda May2016 Montreal v05.xlsx (file) 47 KB   2
15:31, 11 January 2016 HL7PatientCare-WGM-DraftAgenda Jan2016-Orlando v06.xlsx (file) 45 KB   1
18:28, 13 September 2017 HL7-Sept-2017-CCDA-Nutrition-IG.pptx (file) 2.79 MB   1
22:49, 14 September 2017 FHIR-AE-San-Diego-2017.pptx (file) 123 KB   1
19:35, 12 October 2016 Allergy-counts.xlsx (file) 527 KB Larry McKnight's updated summary of the most frequently documented allergy concepts 2
14:25, 9 November 2015 Adverse Event FHIR Resource Proposal 2015 11 4.docx (file) 73 KB   1
22:39, 3 August 2017 2017 FHIR AE Patient Care WG 2017 8 3.pptx (file) 93 KB   1