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Patient Care

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Welcome to the HL7 Patient Care WG Wiki!

Welcome to the Patient Care Work Group Wiki Site.The Patient Care WG is chartered to define messages to support the needs for communicating information regarding the creation, management, execution and the quality of diagnostic and therapeutic care. This wiki page is for facilitation of ongoing discussions. Please see the hl7 website for more information about the patient care TC

NOTE: The Patient Care WG wiki is evolving and regularly being updated. If you find any links not working, please email one of the PCWG co-chairs with specific details. We will try our best to rectify the issues identified ASAP. Thanks for your patience and continuous support

Meeting Information

PCWG Meetings/Conference Calls Details

Conference calls are scheduled for the following PCWG projects/activities:
Monthly co-chairs meeting
Fortnightly Allergy/Intolerance project meeting
Care Plan project
- Fortnight Care Plan project meeting
- weekly Coordination of Care Services meeting
Details of the meeting (date, time, conference call number and web sharing information) will be posted via PCWG mailing list 1-2 days prior to meeting.

Conference call Audio:
Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270
Participant Passcode: 943377

PCWG co-chairs conference calls/meetings:

First monday of each month, 4:00pm US Eastern or 5:00pm US Eastern Daylight Saving.

  • Allergy/Intolerance Project - Fortnightly, Wednesday 4:00pm US Eastern (alternate with Care Plan)
Post September 2013 WGM Conference calls are scheduled fortnightly on Wednesday afternoon commencing 9 Oct.
Webex details:
Meeting number 197 520 889
No password required
  • Care Plan Project - Fortnightly, Wednesday 4:00pm US Eastern
Post September 2013 WGM Conference calls are scheduled fortnightly on Wednesday afternoon commencing 16 Oct
Webex details:
No password required
Care Coordination Services project conference calls are scheduled weekly on Tuesday afternoon (5:00pm US Eastern)

  • Health Concern Project - Fortnightly, Thursday 4:00pm US Eastern
Post September 2013 WGM conference calls are schedule fortnightly on Thursday afternoon commenting 10 Oct
Webex details:
Meeting number: 239 498 434
No password is required

Meeting information on HL7 Website

Draft agenda for next WGM

minutes from the HL7 website

PCWG Meeting Documents (agenda and minutes)

Patient Care Workgroup Meeting: Draft Agenda and Minutes updates:

PCWG Active Ongoing Projects and Activity Meeting Minutes

  • Co-chairs meeting documents:
PCWG co-chairs conference calls/meetings agenda and minutes

  • Allergy/Intolerance Meeting Documents:
Allergy/Intolerance Project Conference Calls and Meeting Minutes

  • Care Plan Project Meeting Documents:
Care Plan Meeting Documents Agendas and Minutes

  • Health Concern Project Meeting Documents:
Health Concern Meetings/Conference Calls Agenda and Minutes
Health Concern Meetings/Conference Ballot material
Health Concern wiki page:

Current Ballots: We Need Your Input and Help!

  • Ballot Announcements
Project/Topic Ballot Cycle Status
Allergy & Intolerance DAM Informative Ballot 2 Out-of-cycle ballot: September 2013 Open
Allergy/Intolerance and Adverse Reaction DSTU September 2013 Closed; in ballot reconciliation
Care Plan DAM Informative Ballot 1 planned for September 2013 Closed; in ballot reconciliation
Health Concern DAM/DSTU planned for 2014 TBA
Care Coordination Services FM Informative (joint with SOA) planned for January 2014 TBA

Archived Ballot Announcement and Information

PCWG Leadership


Stephen Chu, MD, PhD

Organization: National eHealth Transition Authority Australia (NEHTA)
Phone: +61 416 960 333

Russ Leftwich, MD

Phone: + 1 615.480.3111

Elaine Ayres

Organization: NIH Clinical Center, NIH
Phone: +1 301 594 3019

Michael Tan

Organization: National IT institute for the Healthcare (NICTIZ),
Phone: + 31 70 3173450

Laura Heermann Langford , RN, PhD

Organization: Intermountain Health Care
Phone: +

Kevin M Coonan, MD

Organization: Data Network Corp (DNC)
Phone: +1 202 213 3891

Hugh Leslie, MD

Organization: Ocean Informatics
Phone: +61 404 033 767

Model Facilitator:

Jean Duteau

Organization: Canada
Phone: ??

Publishing Facilitator:

Michael Tan

Organization: NICTIZ, Netherlands
Phone: 31-70-3173459

Vocabulary Facilitator

Susan Matney

Organization: 3M, USA
Phone: ??


This section contains the management issues for the PC committee. This is for work group health, to track and trace our work and to stay current.

  • Project Status: *Projects This shows the subset of projects PC is actively working on, and if we are meeting our deadlines for each.
  • Leadership (as formal in HL7 administration available):
  • Leadership

Change Requests

Patient Care has now a formal request for change (RFC) page which can be used to request changes in the ballot materials.

Patient Care Change Requests

Please use this for RFC you have pertaining to Topics, D-MIM, R-MIM, use cases, interactions, walkthrough etc. Those that have been handled by either a motion accepted, and /or models or descriptions being changed are listed under Dispositioned Requests.

Project Priorities

Patient Care has several active projects and some waiting for volunteers to step up and carry on.

  • Our main goals are to bring the Domain Message Information Model (D-MIM) to normative ballot in the January 2012 cycle, and following this the 4 core Topics Referral, Acceptance, Record Query and Care Record in the May 2012 cycle (unless we can speed up the work for January).
Note - this statement is out of date. Need to review and update.
  • In addition two active topics include Allergy and Intolerance and Care Plan.
For Allergy/Intolerance: DAM - 2 ballots completed in 2013. Currently onto Clinical Model DSTU ballot commencing September 2013.
For Care Plan - Domain Analysis Models (DAM) Informative Ballot 1 in September 2013.
  • Beside these more infrastructural parts we are working on the domain content. In principle: a HL7 sound specification of what goes into the Care Record, what can be in the Query, or what goes in the Care Plan.

Two current examples include the DAM for Skin Care and Detailed Clinical Models (DCM) for five frequently used clinical materials.

  • Assessment Scales R2 has been balloted for DSTU and the intention is include it in the NE 2014.

All other Topics in the table below are still on our to do list, but will follow our above priorities.

Project Information

Projects: Active Ongoing Status

The following is a list of PCWG projects that are currently active and ongoing. Each project are assigned two project co-leads and are currently working to develop domain analysis models (DAM) or HL7 v3 clinical models, and potentially a set of v3 templates for use in C-CDA or other v3 messaging infrastructures.

Project Status
Allergy & Intolerance

This topic covers all interactions related to clinically recorded adverse reactions.
Finish the work from the ballot resolution on the Allergy/Intolerance topic and have it published as DSTU.
Project ID: 881
Project contact: Stephen Chu;; Elaine Ayres;

Care Plan Project 2012

Care Plan was balloted in 2007 as DSTU. However, a few negative comments had not been resolved and the balloted contents did not achieve DSTU status.
A new project was initiated in 2011. The plan for 2011 is to first develop a Domain Analysis Model (DAM) for the Care Plan, and then decide on further contents development.and activities to follow. The HDF 1.5 (HL7 development framework) approach will be followed.
HL7 PC will build on the material and knowledge of various groups to develop the DAM.
Project ID: A project scope statement document has been submitted and waiting to be processed by TSC.
SOA WG is working in collaboration with the PCWG Care Plan project team to define a set of Care Collaboration Services for care plan development and implementation including care activities scheduling and orchestration.
Project contact: Laura Heermann Langford,; or Stephen Chu, MD,

A Coordinated Care Services Functional Model project has been initiated with co-sponsorship of PCWG and HL7 SOA groups:

Health Concern

Concern Tracking and Care statements provide a framework for tracking and managing health concerns.
Item itself will be withdrawn. PC will harmonize this with concern tracker and other R-MIMs with Concern.
Project ID: Needs new PSS once preparational work is done
Project contact: Michael Tan, NICTIS; Kevin Coonan, USA

Draft PSS approved by PCWG.

Projects: Past

Past Projects - with Active and Inactive/Cancelled Status

Other topics the Patient Care TC has defined:

These have their own project numbers, or project scope statements need to be developed and balloted.

This topic is completed and published in the normative edition since 2013.
This topic is completed and published in the normative edition since 2013.
This topic is completed and published in the normative edition since 2013.
  • Care Statement -- the clinical statement version in the D-MIM for patient Care, currently DSTU.
Will in future versions of Care Provision be replaced by the Clinical Statement CMET A_SupportingClinicalStatement universal (COCT_RM530000UV)
Needs to be split up in a whole set of different topics to allow finding these in the ballot. Current clustering renders it not findable.
  • Concern Tracking -- currently DSTU as part of care structures, to be moved to separate topic level
Needs new PSS and ID by January 2012 to move to normative

  • NOTE:
Each separate Topic needs a new PSS and separate ID around January 2012 once the D-MIM and first Topics Care Record, Query, Transfer have been brought to ballot.


External links

Standard Implementation & Test Environment resources

Useful resources including C-CDA knowledgebase.