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Past Projects - with Active and Inactive/Cancelled Status

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Back to Patient Care

Project Priorities

Patient Care has several active projects and some waiting for volunteers to step up and carry on.

  • Our main goals are to bring the Domain Message Information Model (D-MIM) to normative ballot in the January 2012 cycle, and following this the 4 core Topics Referral, Acceptance, Record Query and Care Record in the May 2012 cycle (unless we can speed up the work for January).
Note - this statement is out of date. Need to review and update.
  • In addition two active topics include Allergy and Intolerance and Care Plan.
For Allergy/Intolerance: DAM - 2 ballots completed in 2013. Currently onto Clinical Model DSTU ballot commencing September 2013.
For Care Plan - Domain Analysis Models (DAM) Informative Ballot 1 in September 2013.
  • Beside these more infrastructural parts we are working on the domain content. In principle: a HL7 sound specification of what goes into the Care Record, what can be in the Query, or what goes in the Care Plan.

Two current examples include the DAM for Skin Care and Detailed Clinical Models (DCM) for five frequently used clinical materials.

  • Assessment Scales R2 has been balloted for DSTU and the intention is include it in the NE 2014.

All other Topics in the table below are still on our to do list, but will follow our above priorities.

Project: Past (with Active or Inactive/Cancelled Status)

This section contains a list of PCWG projects which had been initiated in the past. The project status range from active, completed/finalised, postponed or cancelled. PCWG current does not allocate resources to actively working on these projects.

They may be re-launched subject to revised project initiation and resources availability

Project Status
Care Provision D-MIM

The Care Provision D-MIM is the fundamental piece of work of the Patient Care Working Group. All HL7 messages under Care Provision are dependend on this Domain Message Information Model. All R-MIMs representing specific messages for specific tasks for continuity of care are derived from this basic model. The derivation is done via removing from D-MIM what we do not need, replacing full classes with CMETs, constraining attributes, cardinalities or relationships, or - very important - roll out specific structures that are derived from the clinical statement.
The domain model has reached the normative status, but all underlying R-MIMs are split to separate topics and balloted seperately. This has already been carried out for the RMIM's for Care Record, Care Record Query and Care Transfer, which all has been succesfully balloted. Other new (sub)topics such as Care plan will be added over time.
Project ID: 284

Project contact: William Goossen,|

Assessment Scales

The aim of this release is to provide a generic template based on the clinical statement pattern for use with almost all scores systems and assessment scales. Therefore, it provides a framework for use in messages and documents.
The ballot on the Assessment Scales topic has been succesfully completed. The topic has now been nominated as DSTU.
Project ID: 664
Project contact: William Goossen;

Care Plan Topic & Ordersets

After 2 years of no activity this project has been cancelled.

Care Composition

No further work is done.

Detailed Clinical Models

The underlying assumption for a standard on Detailed Clinical Models is that to use, exchange and reuse data, and to obtain meaningful information from it for each purpose, data need to be handled consistently. This consistent use is required on both the mono- and multidisciplinary health professional level.
Five examples where balloted in September 2010.
Patient care has finished the reconciliations and the ballot has received sufficient support. PC is now planning meetings on methodology and following that will re-ballot each DCM one by one.
Project ID: 320
Project contact: William Goossen;

Postponed waiting for D-MIM / Core R-MIMs to be balloted as normative.
Detailed Clinical Model guidelines for creation

The DCM guidelines are distributed as ISO CD 13972-1 and 2.
Project contact: *****

Moved to JIC, HL7 HQ will handle from now on.
Detailed Clinical Models for Medical Devices

The intent of this project is to create and maintain one generic Domain Analysis Model and a set Detailed Clinical Model that defines the main concepts of using medical device-related data safely and traceably for patient care.
the work is carried out as joint project with HL WG Devices
Project ID:
project contact for devices: John Rhoads


The relationship between a Domain Analysis Model (DAM) and a Detailed Clinical Model (DCM)and how this fits into the Services-Aware Inteoperability Framework (SAIF)
Project ID: no project ID required, ongoing harmonization work in HL7 international and with other groups
Project contact: Michael van der Zel;

Patient Care Glossary

The concepts that Patient Care is using are defined in the glossary. Project is just started with defining the concepts that are being used in the Care Plan Topic project. See Care Plan Glossary Patient Care Glossary
this work is done in conjunction with the SKTM glossary of the international SDO's
See ISO 13940 Continuity of Care standard for definitions
Project ID: 495
Project contact: David Rowed

Pressure Ulcer Prevention

This topic covers pressure ulcer risk assessment and interventions.
The project will develop a Domain Analysis Model based on work performed by the Kaiser-Permanente US Department of Veterans Affairs collaboration.
Project ID:
Project contact: Jay Lyle;

Patient Care V2

Patient Care has resumed some responsibility for HL7 version 2 chapters 11 and 12. Australia will take care of the work involved.
Project ID:
Project contact: Klaus Veil
