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- Attendees: Laura Heermann, Joe Quinn, Mike Padula, Russ Leftwich, Stephen Chu, Billy, *** Acute Care - Stephen309 bytes (47 words) - 22:24, 19 December 2017
- Attendees: Laura Heermann, Stephen Chu, Emma Jones, Jay Lyle, Michael Padula, Joseph Quinn, ** Stephen working on building a new wiki page with the notes from Laura and Emma630 bytes (102 words) - 22:25, 24 January 2018
- Enrique Meneses, Stephen Chu, Emma Jones, Laura Heermann Langford, Lisa Nelson, Randy Belknap, Nan H ...aura Heermann Langford, Les Morgan, Nan Hou, Randy Belknap, Russ Leftwich, Stephen Chu, Susan Campbell900 bytes (121 words) - 23:39, 18 February 2014
- Attendees: Laura Heermann Langford, Stephen Chu, Anil Rafpal, Emma Jones, Eric, George Dixon, Joe Quinn, Mike Padula *Personal reports of last weeks event from Stephen, Laura, Emma, Russ931 bytes (139 words) - 18:10, 6 December 2017
- Attendees: Stephen Chu, Emma Jones, Laura Heermann Langford, Joseph Quinn, Evelyn Gallego, Lis ...s model on how all the artifacts of Care Plan relate. Feedback provided - Stephen will take the feedback and adjust the diagram for future review1 KB (193 words) - 22:07, 18 October 2017
- Attendees: Stephen Chu, Laura Heermann Langford, Michael Padula, Joseph Quinn, ...couple/few resources through the unit testing parts of the spreadsheet. (Stephen, Emma and Laura will work through the Care Plan resource first). Due date733 bytes (113 words) - 22:22, 25 July 2017
- *Stephen Chu – Chair Move: Stephen/Elaine1 KB (188 words) - 09:08, 6 December 2013
- *Stephen Chu 1. Approve minutes of February 27th, 2014 - Stephen/Elaine2 KB (263 words) - 11:43, 7 March 2014
- *Stephen Chu Begin review of the DAM document. Editing by Elaine, Michael and Stephen.2 KB (248 words) - 11:49, 4 July 2014
- '''Attended:''' Jean, Melva, Stephen, Tom, Hugh, Julie, John *NEHTA (Stephen)791 bytes (116 words) - 19:52, 9 July 2012
- Jay Lyle, Ken Lord, George Dixon, Stephen Chu, Rob Hausam168 bytes (24 words) - 20:57, 25 October 2018
- *Stephen Chu ...Word Document to align with ballot comments. The document will be sent to Stephen and Laura to review the use cases.2 KB (262 words) - 07:42, 21 November 2014
- *Stephen Chu Move: Stephen/Elaine Abstain - 0 Object - 0 Approve - 52 KB (266 words) - 21:56, 22 July 2014
- : - Stephen Chu :: * Good deal of feedback thus far for the informative ballot. Stephen mentioned concern re: modeling of negation (balloted feedback). Further dis1 KB (206 words) - 22:37, 20 September 2017
- || '''Submitted by:''' Stephen Chu *Motion to accept as proposed. Stephen Chu, Ken McCaslin820 bytes (105 words) - 14:53, 10 July 2014
- Stephen Chu Motion by Stephen to approve the minutes of February 6th. Seconded by Lisa.2 KB (267 words) - 09:48, 28 February 2014
- *Stephen Chu Approve minutes as amended of April, 2014 - Stephen Chu Voting: No – 0, Abstain – 0, Approve - 43 KB (467 words) - 16:42, 18 April 2014
- * Tom de Jong (Chair), Hugh Glover - Scribe, Scott Robertson, Stephen Chu, Julie James, John Hatem * Addressing Meaningfull Use 2 (MU2) issues on Med. allergies - Stephen, Tom3 KB (386 words) - 21:59, 8 October 2012
- Stephen Chu164 bytes (26 words) - 18:50, 6 December 2017
- Attendees: Stephen Chu, Laura Heermann Langford, Michael Padula, Joseph Quinn, ...couple/few resources through the unit testing parts of the spreadsheet. (Stephen, Emma and Laura will work through the Care Plan resource first). Due date957 bytes (143 words) - 12:32, 11 August 2017