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* [[HL7 Project Homebase reorg]]
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Revision as of 14:29, 28 July 2011

Tooling WG

The Tooling Work Group supports the HL7 mission by overseeing the tools that facilitate the development, adoption and use of HL7 standards, according to the requirements of the HL7 Board and membership needs.

The main HL7 Tooling Work Group page has:


What we are responsible for

(description is Work In Process - see Tools List discussion)

How we work:

(description is Work In Process - see Update the Tooling Work Group wiki page)

How you can participate:

(description is Work In Process)

Requests for new tools should come from a Work Group's Tooling Liaison, if they have one, or from a Work Group's co-chair (if no liaison has been named).
Requests for new tools should be added to the Tooling Requests wiki page

Requests for enhancements to an existing tool should be added to that tool's GForge tracker. The standard GForge project for each tool should have "Bugs", "Support Requests", and "Feature Requests" trackers.

Toolsmith Ribbon Recipients

The Tooling Work Group would like to recognize the volunteer efforts of people who have worked on tools used by HL7 and it`s members to design, publish and then adopt HL7 specifications. The tools are available either on HL7`s Gforge site or as Open Health Tool projects. Please notify the co-chairs if you become aware of other volunteers and their tools. Toolsmith ribbons are being included in Working Group packets to increase awareness and recognition for their efforts.

Toolsmith Name Tool Purpose
George 'Woody' BeelerRoseTree & Design RepositoryRIM and Vocabulary Browser, Combined Publishing/Generator Tool Suite, RMIM Designer, V3 Generator
Lloyd McKenzieRMIM Designer, MIF & V3 GeneratorVisio Static Model Designer, Model Interchange Format and V3 Generator
Dale NelsonV3 GeneratorGenerates V3 Schemas
Michael Van der ZelDetailed Clinical Modeling ToolDetailed Clinical Model templates and UML Profile MDG Technology for Enterprise Architect. An extension for creating consistent DCM's conform ISO 13972
EHR-S FM Profile ToolingUML Profile MDG Technology for Enterprise Architect. An extension to Enterprise Architect for creating and validating the FM and Profiles.
MAXImplementation of the MAX idea as an EA Extension
Jean DuteauV3 GeneratorGenerates V3 Schemas
Frank OemigV2 Access DatabaseV2 Messaging structures
Grahame GrieveData Types MIFModel Interface Format definition for Datatypes
Charlie McCayRamsey Systems' Schema Validator & V3 GeneratorV3 Schema Validation Testing and tool to generate V3 schema
Adam FlintonNHS V3 XML Processing UtilitiesV3 XML Utilities at Open Health Tools
Paul BironHL7 V3 XML PublishingV3 Publishing XML Transforms
Stacey BergerMAX PrototypeEnterprise Architect Model Automated Extract Prototype
Robert WordenV2-V3 MappingMaps V2 & other data structures to V3 structures
Dave CarlsonModel Driven Health ToolsCDA Templates Designer with UML output
Harold SolbrigVocabulary ManagerManages HL7 V3 Vocabulary structures
Russ HammVocabulary ManagerManages HL7 V3 Vocabulary structures
Ted KleinOID RegistryManages HL7 OID Registry
Cecil LynchOID RegistryManages HL7 OID Registry
Austin KreislerPub DBPublication Database
Ewout KramerFHIR PubFHIR Publication Tool
Andy StechishinEHR-S FM Profile ToolingUML Profile MDG Technology for Enterprise Architect. An extension to Enterprise Architect for creating and validating the FM and Profiles.
Matthew Graham Messaging Work Bench (MWB)V2 Messaging utility, Delphi-based
Michel Rutten FHIR Forge
Marten Smits FHIR Profile Registry
EST Liaisons

EST liaisons are those participants that provide communication and coordination between the EST Work Group and other Work Groups.

Work Groups with interest in tooling should appoint a liaison with the expectation the liaison should provide a liaison update once per month. The intent is to make sure EST is aware of other groups' tooling requirements.

Current liaisons, their represented Groups, and the areas of interest are:

Group Liaison NameArea of interest
AID/RIMBAAMichael Van der ZelTooling for implementers. See RIMBAA_Tooling_Liaison and Implementation Tools for details & status updates.
CGITRob SnelickCGIT interest is any tools involving conformance and best practices for writing IGs
CICAbdul-Malik ShakirMAX Project
CS (Clinical Statement)Rik SmithiesOntology
EHRJohn RitterEHR-S FM Profile Designer (PI 1040) and R3 preparation
EducationDiego KaminkerTooling Education planning
FHIR/FMGLloyd McKenzieFHIR Tooling
Mobile HealthMatt Graham tbd
Patient CareMichael Van der ZelSee Patient Care Tooling Liaison for details & status updates.
PublishingBrian PechTooling for publishing.
Structured DocumentsAndrew StatlerTemplate definition tool
TemplatesvacantPrimarily interested in a Templates registry, a subset of type of artifacts for the Shared Artifact registry/repository.
HL7 BoardDavid BurgessOverview of the state of HL7 tooling, proposed and current projects and feedback from users on tool requirements and utility.
Open Health "group"Ken RubinMonitoring status of Open Health Tools projects of interest to HL7 and participating in the OHT Architecture Council representing HL7's interests.
VocabularyvacantVocabulary tooling is the highest priority for funded tools if we had funding.
CIMIMichael van der ZelNEW

Agendas and Meetings

Hot Topics

Current Projects/Work



Acquisition and Installation

Tool for Publishing and Static Model Design

Other Documentation

Historical Links

links to old project wiki pages (no longer active)