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V3 Publishing ConCall Minutes 20130308

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Minutes of Recent Publishing Conference Calls

V3 Publishing Teleconference

Meeting Information

HL7 V3 Publishing Meeting Minutes

Location: GoToMeeting ID: 212-860-120

Conference Call: HL7 Conference Call Service:

  • Phone: 770-657-9270
  • Passcode: 657896
Date: 2013-03-08
Time: 1:00-2:00 pm Eastern
Facilitator Andy Stechishin (AS) Note taker(s) Andy Stechishin (AS)
Attendee Name Affiliation
George "Woody" Beeler (GWB) Beeler Consulting
Joshua Carmody (JC) HL7 International
Jean Duteau (JD) Duteau Design
Pete Gilbert (PG)
Alexander Henket (AH) E.Novation
Austin Kreisler (AK) SAIC/CDC
× Don Lloyd (DL) HL7 International
× Beck (Rebecca) Matthews (BM) NEHTA
Brian Pech (BP) Kaiser-Permanente
× Andy Stechishin (AS) CANA Software & Services
Michael Tan (MT) NICTIZ
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes


Agenda Topics

  1. Agenda review and approval
  2. Approve Minutes of previous meeting March 1
  3. Normative Edition Update
  4. Implementation Guide Publishing Quality sub-group report
  5. Announcements
  6. Update on Action Items
  7. Around the table
  8. Future Business
    1. Deadlines and due dates
  9. Adjourn


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. Agenda
    • Called to order 12:06 pm Eastern
  2. Approve Minutes of previous meeting March 1
    • Hold till next week, for larger group
  3. Normative Edition Update
    • Preview site is up, not advertised
    • Confirmed with CS, DSTU came out late not in last year, in this year
    • Confirmed Pharmacy content
    • CDS
    • Cardiology DAM Cardiology release 2, when requested approval to publish pointed to 1st informative ballot, not 2nd, may need to pull material
      • Indicated a hole in the process that needs to be corrected.
  4. Implementation Guide Publishing Quality sub-group report
    • No update, will set up meetings next week.
  5. Announcements
    • Ballot pools open for sign up, ballot preview site is up
    • Most material is on preview site, needs to do a pass to clean up ballot information at head of the document
  6. Update on Action Items
    • AS will produce chart/model/diagram to create a visual image of the Publishing Workflow
    • AS will create Publishing Steps Wiki page
    • GWB needs to add documentation on non-domain quick publishing step
    • AS will create a V3 Publishing Artifact Versioning wiki page
      • Still need to apply updates from last week - AS
  7. Around the table
    • Beck Matthews
      • Gave an overview of her role at NEHTA and her interests and abilities
      • Discussion on Implementation Guides at HL7, use of style guides, templates, formatting and content standards for publishing
  8. Future Business
    1. Deadlines and due dates
  9. Adjourned 12:56 pm Eastern.

Meeting Outcomes

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
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Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • .