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ITS Concall Minutes 20151117

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ITS Teleconference - November 17, 2015

HL7 ITS Meeting Minutes Date: 2015-11-17
Facilitator: Dale Nelson Note taker(s): Andy Stechishin
Present Name Init Affiliation
× Paul Knapp PK Knapp Consulting
× Dale Nelson DN Square Trends
× Andy Stechishin AS CANA Software & Services
× Brian Pech BP Kaiser-Permanente
David Booth DB Hawaii Group
× Chris Brown CB Indepedant
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes


  1. Role call and agenda
  2. Approve Minutes of previous meetings October 27 and November 10
  3. Announcements
  4. RDF sub-group report
  5. HL7 v2 XML Schema issue - Update
  6. Approve Minutes of January 2015 WGM
  7. Approve Minutes of May 2015 WGM
  8. Approve Minutes of Oct 2015 WGM
  9. ITS R1.1 Publishing update
  10. Review ITS FHIR Tasks
    • For discussion:
  11. Action Items
    • Publish HL7 over HTTP DSTU
      • PK provided reconciliation to JA (2014-12-09)
    • Update ITS R1.1 for publishing
      • PK will work to complete for Feb 17 (2015-02-10)
    • Update RIM Serialization for Publishing
      • Last action: PK will prepare Publication Request for July 22, 2014 teleconference
    • Review of Product Briefs
  12. Next Meeting
  13. Adjourn

Meeting called to order 2:02 PM Eastern

Approve Minutes

Motion: Approve minutes of Oct 27 AS/PK unanimous

Nov 10 minutes will be available for next call

RDF Sub-Group Report

DB not on call

Action Items

  • ITS R1.1 - no update (PK)

HL7 V2 XML Schema Issue

Corrections were delivered to list and Frank Oemig, no further action, will contact Frank for an update

Precision and Dates in FHIR

Expiry on devices has year, month, day and sometimes hour. FHIR states that if you provide time the full precision is specified. There was a discussion on how dates are used in V2 and V3. PK stated that storage and exchange are really different issues, but the precision that is received is the precision that must be acknowledged. PK stated that in order to understand completely, a time without a full precision requires a modifier extension but modifier extensions are not allowed in simple types.

Meeting adjourned at 3:13 PM Eastern