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ITS Concall Minutes 20150804

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ITS Teleconference - August 4, 2015

HL7 ITS Meeting Minutes Date: 2015-08-04
Facilitator: Paul Knapp Note taker(s): Andy Stechishin
Present Name Init Affiliation
× Paul Knapp PK Knapp Consulting
× Dale Nelson DN Lantana
× Andy Stechishin AS CANA Software & Services
× Brian Pech BP Kaiser-Permanente
× David Booth DB Hawaii Group
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes


  1. Role call and agenda
  2. Approve Minutes of previous meetings March 31, June 23, June 30, July 21 and July 28
  3. Announcements
  4. RDF sub-group report
  5. Approve Minutes of January 2015 WGM
  6. Approve Minutes of May 2015 WGM
  7. ITS R1.1 Publishing update
  8. Review ITS FHIR Tasks
    • For discussion:
  9. Action Items
    • Publish HL7 over HTTP DSTU
    • PK provided reconciliation to JA (2014-12-09)
    • Update ITS R1.1 for publishing
      • PK will work to complete for Feb 17 (2015-02-10)
    • Update RIM Serialization for Publishing
      • Last action: PK will prepare Publication Request for July 22, 2014 teleconference
    • Review of Product Briefs
  10. Next Meeting
  11. Adjourn

Meeting called to order 2:00 PM Eastern

Meeting Minutes

Motion: Approve minutes of July 21 and July 28 AS/DN

RDF Sub-Group Report

Resolve the use of xsd:decimals in RDF - will add another column called FHIR fractional digits to retain the decimal digits

There was a long discussion on handling of precision including JSON representations and parsers.

FHIR Infrastructure

PK gave a report on he and DN joining the FHIR Infrastructure call for discussions on embedding xhtml.

Meeting adjourned at 3:03 PM Eastern