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2018-06-06 FMG concall

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HL7 TSC FMG Meeting Minutes


(voice and screen)

Date: 2018-06-06
Time: 4:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Chair: Note taker(s): Anne W.
Quorum = chair + 4 yes/no
Co chairs David Hay x Lloyd McKenzie
ex-officio . Wayne Kubick, CTO
Members Members Members Observers/Guests
Hans Buitendijk Brian Postlethwaite x Paul Knapp x Anne W., scribe
x Josh Mandel x John Moehrke x Brian Pech
x Grahame Grieve x Amol Vyas, Didi Davis


  • Roll Call
  • Agenda Check
  • Minutes from 2018-05-17_FMG_WGM
  • Minutes from 2018-05-23_FMG_concall
  • Minutes from 2018-05-30 FMG_concall - Review/not quorate
  • Action items
    • Grahame to reach out to international council re: effectiveness of international IGs
    • Brian to take VerificationResult resource to Security, OO, Pharmacy, and Attachments to gather input on the notion of Verification and what it would mean
    • David to create tracker items for the QA that wasn't applied
    • Vote on HL7 CDA R2 Implementation Guide: Gaps in Care Reporting PSS
      • Reviewed last week/not quorate for vote
    • Grahame to put together something to describe a desired level of BR&R community engagement in order to own Substance
    • Update the FMM levels to make clear which ones are STU
    • Make clear how FMM levels apply to IGs and expose FMM levels for IGs
  • Review Items
  • Discussion Topics
    • FMM model changes: FMM2: "successfully exchanged between" -> "successfully used by"; "leveraging at least 80% of the core data elements" -> "leveraging most of the scope (e.g. 80% of the core data elements)"
      • No concerns raised last week, but could not vote due to lack of quorum
    • Criteria for inclusion of profiles and valuesets in FHIR Core
    • Forwards compatibility rules
  • Reports
  • Process management
  • AOB (Any Other Business)


  • Roll Call
  • Agenda Check
    • MOTION to approve: Josh/John
    • VOTE: All in favor
  • Minutes from 2018-05-17_FMG_WGM
    • MOTION to approve: John/Josh
    • VOTE: All in favor
  • Minutes from 2018-05-23_FMG_concall
    • MOTION to approve: John/Grahame
    • VOTE: Josh abstains. Remaining in favor.
  • Minutes from 2018-05-30 FMG_concall - Review/not quorate
    • MOTION to approve: John/Grahame
    • VOTE: John abstains. Remaining in favor.
  • Action items
    • Grahame to reach out to international council re: effectiveness of international IGs
      • Did reach out but would like to get more feedback. One opinion was that if it’s not in the base standard, it doesn’t carry weight. Will gather more feedback. Carry forward
    • Brian to take VerificationResult resource to Security, OO, Pharmacy, and Attachments to gather input on the notion of Verification and what it would mean
      • Carry forward
    • David to create tracker items for the QA that wasn't applied
      • Carry forward
    • Vote on HL7 CDA R2 Implementation Guide: Gaps in Care Reporting PSS
      • Reviewed last week/not quorate for vote
        • MOTION to approve: Josh/John
        • VOTE: All in favor
    • Grahame to put together something to describe a desired level of BR&R community engagement in order to own Substance
      • Carry forward
    • Update the FMM levels to make clear which ones are STU
      • Reviewed maturity model. Could add subheadings. Lloyd edits page to add headings.
    • Make clear how FMM levels apply to IGs and expose FMM levels for IGs
  • Review Items
  • Discussion Topics
    • FMM model changes: FMM2: "successfully exchanged between" -> "successfully used by"; "leveraging at least 80% of the core data elements" -> "leveraging most of the scope (e.g. 80% of the core data elements)"
      • No concerns raised last week, but could not vote due to lack of quorum
      • Decision to update it to “Has been tested and successfully supports interoperability among at least…”
      • Discussion from John over artifacts at a higher FMM being built on artifacts at a lower level. Need to have a rule that things can’t be at a higher FMM level than the things they rely on. Lloyd: IGs shall not declare themselves normative that reference resources that are not normative. Grahame notes there could be exceptions. Paul states that SGB was discussing this issue this morning and is going to go out to the product families for feedback on a draft precept. Need to examine the types of cases where exceptions would be considered. Brian: Perhaps in an IG, you provide vigorous citation of the state of that IG.
        • MOTION to approve changes made to FMM levels: John/Josh
        • VOTE: All in favor
    • Criteria for inclusion of profiles and valuesets in FHIR Core
      • Carry forward
    • Forwards compatibility rules
      • Grahame states that we now have a clear set of rules around wire formats. Committees are still struggling around this issue regarding business rules and operations. You can never change business rules, which is problematic. Systems can bring in any imaginable business rules. Backwards combability means new content will be valid in the old spec; forwards mean old content will continue to be valid against the new specification. Josh: Do you manage it by updating a version to indicate that it’s no longer compatible? We can’t be saying that the world can never introduce a new operation. You can still host the old one. Grahame: My view is that if we started introducing new operations, we would rapidly end up with chaos. Should be able handle without a deprecation process.
        • ACTION: Grahame to draft a process for approving technically breaking changes that are believed not to impact any implementations and submit for review by FMG, MnM and SGB.
    • Brian Pech reports that he spoke to Laura regarding the new Google custom search. Searches all of HL7, the document center, the Wiki, education, Gforge, but not JIRA and Confluence. It could be extended to JIRA and Confluence in the future once some issues are worked out.
    • Cancel the 6/20 call due to Dev Days
      • ACTION: Anne to send out email to determine if there would be quorum on 6/27 and 7/4
  • Reports
    • Connectathon management (David/Brian)
      • Track proposals were due today. Do we want to extend?
        • ACTION: Brian to create wiki page for tracks
        • ACTION: Lloyd to send email reflecting new track proposal deadline of 6/27
      • Dev Days event is sold out and people are now being wait-listed
    • SGB–
      • Will raise the issue of normative with non-normative dependencies and substantive change. Did discuss issue of comments on ballots that reference a different ballot. Should call it not related; no requirement for the correct WG to receive it as a found item but it is encouraged. Lloyd states that if it’s an STU, FHIR normally punts the item to the WG responsible for that artifact. For normative, we find it not related and the WG makes a decision on what next steps are appropriate. Lloyd states that JIRA will stop you from commenting on the wrong ballot unless there are artifacts in common. Discussion over whether a WG should be compelled to look at errant comments. Lloyd: Will have to figure out a way to let people dispose of votes as not related independently of disposing the comments.
    • MnM –
      • Hasn’t met
    • FMG Liaisons
      • No report
  • ACTION: Complete NIBs by 7/11 for the Sept ballot
  • Process management
  • AOB (Any Other Business)

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

2018-06-13 FMG concall

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