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2016-08-26 HSI CALL

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  • John Donnelly, Laura Heerman Langford, Didi Davis


  • Introductions, Agenda Review, etc.
  • Approve Minutes from previous call(s) - Laura made motion to approve the minutes, Didi second. Motion passed.
  • Action Item Review:
1. Conduct due diligence of the SKMT Glossary use by HSI/HL7, contact Heather Grain (TermAuth WG) to discuss SKMT topic and process for publication of
these terms - John D (join TermAuth call on 9/1)
2. Pending outcome of Action 1; write up the draft descriptions, incl SDO uses of the two terms, profile and Connectathon - Laura
3. Vet draft descriptions of terms with the HL7 & IHE Management personnel from the HL7 Montreal WGM to a) approve descriptions, b) confirm commitment of each organization
to support the indicated resolutions of these descriptions, e.g. using an HL7 and IHE prefix with each term - HSI co-chair tbd
  • Glossary Update
  • see above Action Items
  • September WGM Planning - moved to 9/9/16 meeting
  • Virginia Lorenzi to discuss topic of HL7 education offered at other organization and community's events (e.g. local HIMSS Chapter meetings)
  • Glossary update
  • Active HSI Project update