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2016-07-29 HSI CALL

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  • Todd Cooper, Laura Heermann

NOTE: Meeting quorum not met; short call


  • Introductions, Agenda Review, etc.
  • Approve Minutes from previous call 2016.07.15
  • Deferred to next HSI call
  • Action Item Review:
  • Conference Calling Web Issue: Laura is working to update the web information for the scheduled calls the remainder of 2016
  • Glossary PSS: Laura will continue to draft the HSI Glossary PSS for review at the next meeting
  • HSI Co-Sponsored PSS's - DEV WG FHIR PSS
- Todd reported that this PSS has been updated for clarity and detail and is now in DESD review
  • HSI Glossary
  • NOTE: See above; should review next call