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20140415 FGB concall

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HL7 TSC FGB Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#
GoToMeeting ID: 136-494-157

Date: 2014-04-15
Time: 8:00 AM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Woody Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Quorum = Chair plus 2 yes
Chair/CTO Members
x George (Woody) Beeler x Lorraine Constable x Grahame Grieve David Hay
Dave Shaver x Ewout Kramer x Lloyd McKenzie (FMG) Ron Parker
John Quinn
observers/guests Austin Kreisler
x Lynn Laakso, scribe


  • Roll call -
  • Agenda Review
  • Approve minutes of 20140408 FGB concall
  • Action Item review:
    • invite Board chair Stan to one of the FGB calls and Ken McCaslin also for overview
  • FMG update -
    • Approve DSTU QA criteria
      • For reference purposes, Dave Hamill left the link to the version that was reviewed at the 2014-04-01 FGB Call DSTU QA criteria
  • Methodology update-
  • Next steps
    • Review WGM schedule
    • Review where the FGB is now to survey the landscape - link to Governance reference material from Ron
    • FHIR_Precepts Wiki page for developing/discussing "FHIR is free" precept
    • value-add mechanisms in the FHIR space as alternative to FAQ and KB members-only content
  • FMG update -
  • Methodology update-


Convened at 8:09 AM

  • Agenda Review - Lloyd adds the FMG has a candidate member for FGB recommendation, and Woody would like to plan next steps 1 and 3; Grahame asks about the reversing the posting of the DSTU. That was done by the TSC, but the FGB may wish to discuss the separation of the DSTU and the "website". If John joins, Lorraine noted that he wished to review the publication request -turned- errata with FGB.
  • Approve minutes of 20140408 FGB concall Motion: Lorraine moves and Ewout seconds approval. Unanimously approved.
  • Review errata publication request (formerly DSTU update). Motion: Lorraine moves and Ewout seconds that the FGB recommend to John that he approve this. Ewout asks if we need to do so for each change to the reference implementations. Woody notes that we need to create better distinction between reference implementations and the ballot material. Grahame notes it's FGB realm to say there should be some content that is website and other that is DSTU and the FMG would declare what those are. Woody suggests a list of items and the status of each. Unanimously approved.
  • Action Item review:
    • invite Board chair Stan to one of the FGB calls and Ken McCaslin also for overview; Lynn will invite Stan to one of the WGM sessions with a message coordinated with Woody, potentially Monday Q1. Grahame's recollection is that Ken was uncomfortable with the processes being followed, but that might be better served with meeting with the FMG. The session with Stan may be as simple as a governance overview and relationships but he is already "on board" with FHIR notes Grahame. Lynn will make an entry on the FMG agenda for inviting Ken and Grahame recounts an issue with using Google spreadsheet for reconciliation.
  • FMG update -
    • They nominated Hans Buitendijk as the new FMG member last week for his knowledge of governance processes and involvement with OO. The two other candidates for either FMG or FGB (Gil Alterovitz and JD Nolen) may also be considered. Motion: Lloyd moves FGB seek appointment of Hans to replace Lorraine. Grahame seconds. Unanimously approved.
    • Approve DSTU QA criteria- FMG has not yet completed final review
      • For reference purposes, Dave Hamill left the link to the version that was reviewed at the 2014-04-01 FGB Call DSTU QA criteria
    • Ewout asks about putting something on the implementers' discussion, if someone finds it important enough to add it to the tracker list, how are those addressed -at the WGM? Lloyd reports that the FMG needs to let the Work Groups know that they "own" that responsibility and also need to triage such items. The current process is that the discussion moderators are updating the trackers as they go. Lloyd reports that the expectation is that when they go to ballot each item is dispositioned, designated as not related, deferred to next release or resolved with resolution described. Description of the process on a wiki page is still in process.
      • Lloyd notes they are planning a September QA and expects from ONC some implementation guides on questionnaire and CDS quality reporting that may involve changes to the FHIR spec and so will have to figure out how to proceed. Each IG may include most or all of the spec as part of the IG. Changes may be made into the balloted IG with a parallel limited scope update for QA review.
  • Methodology update- no update
  • Next steps
    • Review WGM schedule - reviewed also the overall FHIR schedule at WGM FHIR Agenda.xlsx.
    • FGB Precept proposed: it should be clear to a reader the distinction between and the normative portions of the specification material and related information such as reference implementations. The FGB needs to declare that it should be clear to a reader. The FMG would then establish the manner in which it is done. Discussion ensued on how to divide the content and the FMG will review further. History page, the front page and the reference implementations generally constitute the related material but the discussion page at the bottom should be explicitly called out. So moved by Grahame, seconded by Ewout. Unanimously approved.
    • Review where the FGB is now to survey the landscape - link to Governance reference material from Ron
    • FHIR_Precepts Wiki page for developing/discussing "FHIR is free" precept
      • There may have been a spreadsheet earlier for other precepts beyond "FHIR is free". Need to get that spreadsheet from Ron to review next week. Circulate that and the TRAC governance precept example, and plan to put on the wiki.
    • value-add mechanisms in the FHIR space as alternative to FAQ and KB members-only content

Adjourned 9:01 AM

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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