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2013-07-18 Tooling Call

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Tooling Meeting Template

Meeting Information

Standing Conference Calls

The Tooling WG will hold a Conference Call at 2 PM Eastern time, each Thursday except during scheduled face-to-face Working Group Meetings unless otherwise noted at Telecon_Agendas.

Conference Call: Uses HL7 Conference Call Service
Dial 770-657-9270 and enter pass code 586935#
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HL7 Tooling Meeting Agenda/Minutes

Location: Phone: +1 770-657-9270;
Participant PassCode:586935#
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Date: 2013-07-18
Time: 2PM Eastern
Facilitator: Andy Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Attendee Name, Affiliation
x Woody Beeler, Beeler Consulting
x Wilfred Bonney, HL7 HQ
x Jeff Brown, HL7 ES liaison
x Joshua Carmody, HL7 HQ Tooling Administrator
x Dennis Cheung, co-chair, eHealth Ontario
Jane Curry, Templates, OHT liaison
regrets Diego Kaminker, Education liaison
x Lynn Laakso, HL7 HQ Tooling Support
x Brian Pech
Abdul-Malik Shakir, CIC liaison
regrets John Ritter, EHR
regrets Rik Smithies, CS liaison
regrets Rob Snelick, CGIT liaison
Rene Spronk, Marketing liaison
x Andy Stechishin, Co-chair
Michael van der Zel, co-chair
Quorum Requirements Met (co-chair plus 3 counting staff): (yes)


Agenda Topics

  • Roll Call & Agenda Review
  • Approval of previous minutes from 2013-07-11 Tooling Call
  • Review action items -
  • Tooling Priorities
  • T3SD Election
  • Update from Tooling Liaisons:
    • CIC - AMS
    • CS - Rik Smithies reports nothing noteworthy has happened on tooling in clinical statement.
    • CGIT - Rob Snelick reports:
      1. NIST is continuing development of the V2 Implementation Guide Authoring and Management Tool (IGAMT). Support for data type and segment libraries, profile comparison, profile validation checks, and MS Word rendering has been added. We anticipate the prototype tool to be far enough along to pilot it’s use for assisting in the creation of specifications for the family of MU stage 3 V2 laboratory implementation guides. An additional pilot for next release of CDC Immunization implementation guide is also in the planning.
      2. I have no update on maintaining of the original MWB. NIST has placed the code in open source. At the May HL7 meeting the Mayo Clinic agreed to maintain the code. I haven’t received any update from them since May.
    • Education - Diego Kaminker reports:
      • I´ve sent an email to Andy regarding Tooling WG Education requirements and plan. I think is is still going through it.
      • We´ve released FHIR units in the e-learning course. We noticed that we can use some tooling to ease the burden for the students (for stable fhir server hosted by hl7) but hadn´t quite identified what we need yet so I think I will have a better view for the September WG.
    • EHR - John Ritter reports regarding the “EHR Profile Designer Tool”:
      • Helen Stevens has been working recently with Michael Van der Zel on a few “EHR Profile Designer Tool” issues.
    • Electronic Services - Jeff Brown
    • Marketing - Rene Spronk
    • Patient Care, RIMBAA - Michael Van der Zel
    • Structured Documents, Vocabulary, Publishing - Andy Stechishin
    • Templates, Open Health Tools - Jane Curry
  • Review projects:
    Tooling-sponsored Projects
    Tooling co-sponsored projects
    • PI# 983 MIF- to OWL conversion (MnM Sponsor)
    • PI# 948 HL7 Work Group Facilitator Training (Education sponsor)
    • PI# 947 HL7 Vocabulary Maintenance in the IHTSDO Workbench (Vocab sponsor)
    • PI# 945 Evaluate NLM Vocabulary Submission Tool (USCRS) at HL7 (Vocab sponsor)
    • PI# 905 V2 Publishing Database Upgrade (Publishing sponsor)
    • PI# 885 HL7 Templates ITS Pilot (Templates sponsor)
    • PI# 829 HL7 Templates Registry Business Process Requirements Analysis (Templates sponsor)
    • PI# 806 Development of policies and procedures of an HL7 terminology authority (Vocabulary sponsor)
  • Other/New Business

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Agenda Topics
convened at 2:07 PM

  • Roll Call & Agenda Review, approved by general consent
  • Approval of previous minutes from 2013-07-11 Tooling Call Woody moves and Josh seconds approval. Jeff abstains, passes 5/0/1.
  • Brian joins
  • T3SD Election - Freida has been nominated for re-election. Woody moves to have Tooling WG vote for Freida; Brian seconds. Unanimously approved. Andy will cast the vote for the WG.
  • Update from Tooling Liaisons:
    • CIC - AMS is not on the call.
    • CS - Rik Smithies reports nothing noteworthy has happened on tooling in clinical statement.
    • CGIT - Rob Snelick reports:
      1. NIST is continuing development of the V2 Implementation Guide Authoring and Management Tool (IGAMT). Support for data type and segment libraries, profile comparison, profile validation checks, and MS Word rendering has been added. We anticipate the prototype tool to be far enough along to pilot it’s use for assisting in the creation of specifications for the family of MU stage 3 V2 laboratory implementation guides. An additional pilot for next release of CDC Immunization implementation guide is also in the planning.
      2. I have no update on maintaining of the original MWB. NIST has placed the code in open source. At the May HL7 meeting the Mayo Clinic agreed to maintain the code. I haven’t received any update from them since May.
    • Education - Diego Kaminker reports:
      • I´ve sent an email to Andy regarding Tooling WG Education requirements and plan. I think is is still going through it.
      • We´ve released FHIR units in the e-learning course. We noticed that we can use some tooling to ease the burden for the students (for stable fhir server hosted by hl7) but hadn´t quite identified what we need yet so I think I will have a better view for the September WG.
    • EHR - John Ritter reports regarding the “EHR Profile Designer Tool”:
      • Helen Stevens has been working recently with Michael Van der Zel on a few “EHR Profile Designer Tool” issues. Andy further reports he had generated some files for Helen's review.
    • Electronic Services - Jeff Brown is welcomed to his first call for liaison reporting. He notes there is nothing to report from ES
    • Marketing - Rene Spronk is not on the call
    • Patient Care, RIMBAA - Michael Van der Zel is not on the call
    • Structured Documents, Vocabulary (pending new liaison), Publishing - Andy Stechishin
      • SDWG: main concern is with templates, looking at how Templates ITS to be used and eager to have it moved forward. Template versioning is a hot topic not currently supported by Trifolia or MDHT.
      • Woody notes that Publishing is muddling along working on integrating Josh into the process.
    • Templates, Open Health Tools - Jane Curry is not on the call
  • Tooling Priorities
    • Andy briefly discussed with John Quinn to get feedback from Tooling WG at large. Member benefits discussed, as well as ArB architecture work. Prioritization by evidence of interest by a WG to formulate a request, in addition to sustaining existing projects reviewed. Tooling will help WGs to develop what they need but the WG must take primary responsibility for developing requirements. Woody concurs. Lynn asks if there was a specific topic that John wanted to execute the prioritization process against. Andy notes that we never have enough Tooling budget, so an approach with which John can address the Board would be useful. One such question would be whether to go forward with Phase 2 of EHR-S FM. How do we set that project against the overall Tooling priorities?
    • Dennis joins.
    • Whether Tooling really sets the priorities or rather responds to the priorities that others have set in the organization is another perspective. Tools automate part of a process, notes Andy, so where in the process is it reasonable to create tools?
    • Request - driven process already in tune for requirements for V3 publishing, with shared co-chairs, active participation, etc.
    • Action: Andy will take the motherhood-and-apple-pie statements and formulate a statement with some of the current projects for review on the 7/25 call. Woody will not be available but Andy will ping him.
  • Review action items -
    • Andy thinks he notified the Education WG cochairs by email on the post-graduate certifications issue # 2294 but will confirm.
  • AMS joins and notes re: MAX project needs discussion between CIC, HQ, Tooling reps to review requirements and set priority. Need to determine which requirements have been satisfied and which should be backlogged. If no response to the scheduling poll they'll use the first Weds in Aug to discuss. Also wish to review architectural modeling drafted at WGM.
  • AMS adds he reviewed the submissions from the Tooling Challenge. One is incomplete but the other two are excellent, with one having better documentation and the other offering extensions to EA and use of the profile. Judges are officially AMS, Woody and Richard Soley. Woody would like to review with AMS/Richard in early August. Andy, Lynn and JD can review what Sparx wants to do on a call, and give Woody/AMS a deadline. How early do we contact the recipient to ensure they will be there? Do we notify the three entrants they are finalists and suggest they attend to see the award ceremony. Should certainly make the invitation before the deadline before the WGM. Early bird registration deadline is Friday Aug 30.
  1. Adjourned 3:02 PM

Meeting Outcomes

  • Andy will take the motherhood-and-apple-pie statements and formulate a statement with some of the current projects for review on the 7/25 call. Woody will not be available but Andy will ping him.
  • Woody review Tooling Challenge entries with AMS/Richard in early August.
  • Andy will cast the vote for the WG.
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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