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2013-05-06 PA WGM Minutes

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Patient Administration Work Group Minutes - Monday May 6, 2013

Monday Q1

HL7 Patient Administration Meeting Minutes

Location: Atlanta Room #12

Date: 2013-05-06
Time: Monday Q1
Facilitator Line Saele Scribe Alex de Leon
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Line Saele HL7 Norway
X Toril Reite HL7 Norway
X Ewout Kramer Furore
X Alexander Henket Enovation
X Christian Hay GS1
X Barry Guin EPIC
X Iryna Roy GPI Informatics
X Alex de Leon Kaiser Permanente
Quorum Requirements Met (Chair + 3 members): Yes


Agenda Topics

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
The WG reviewed the agenda for the week.
Alex moved to approve the agenda as reviewed for this workgroup. Iryna seconded.
Vote (For/Against/Abstain): 7/0/0
Next, the WG reviewed the Mission and Charter (dated May 14, 2013).
Alex moved to approve the agenda as reviewed for this workgroup. Iryna seconded.
Vote (for/against/abstain): 6/0/0
The WG reviewed the DMP and discovered that the version and name of document need to be updated. Line will update this.
Alex move that we accept the content of the document, with the understanding that the artifact template items will be updated to reflect the work of the PAWG. Alex second.
The wg decided to adopt the DMP and remove the “Version [3].” In the header since the version is in subtext within the header along with the date.
Vote (for/against/abstain): 6/0/0
The WG the reviewed the 3 year work plan
In the review, the WG saw that there were updates to be made. The WG will continue updating the work plan throughout the week and finish up on Thursday.

Meeting Outcomes

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Monday Q2

HL7 Patient Administration Meeting Minutes

Location: Atlanta Room #12

Date: 2013-05-06
Time: Monday Q2
Facilitator Line Saele Scribe Alex de Leon
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Line Saele HL7 Norway
X Toril Reite HL7 Norway
X Barry Guinn EPIC
X Alexander Henket E. Novation
X Brad Fonseca Canada Health Infoway
X Christian Hay GS1
X Iryna Roy GP Informatics
X Hugh Glover Blue Wave Informatics
X Alex de Leon Kaiser Permanente
Quorum Requirements Met (Chair + 3 members): Yes


Agenda Topics

  1. V3 Work – Regarding GS1
  2. V3 Service Delivery Location/FHIR

Supporting Documents



Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

The WG began by addressing the GS1 agenda item. The PSS has been completed and sent, but it is in “pending” status both for Steering Division Approval and for the Technical Steering Division Approval. This will need to be presented. Both Line and Alex will present this tonight at the Steering Division Meeting.

Therefore, the WG continue with the 3 year work plan.

Meeting Outcomes

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Monday Q3

HL7 Patient Administration Meeting Minutes

Location: Atlanta Room #12

Date: 2013-05-06
Time: Monday Q3
Facilitator Line Saele Scribe Alex de Leon
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Elysa Jones OASIS
X Line Saele HL7 Norway
X Christian Hay GS1
X Nat Wong HL7 Australia
X Barry Guinn EPIC
X Lowell Reid McKesson
X Alexander Henket E. Novation
X Alex de Leon Kaiser Permanente
Quorum Requirements Met (Chair + 3 members): Yes


Agenda Topics

  1. FHIR PA Ballot for comment - status.

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Although the agenda is set for working with FHIR, Elysa Jones joined the group and asked to show EDXL presentation for TEP, from OASIS. The WG agreed to have her present now as she will not be present on other available times.
TEP is not a language, but a standard for Tracking of Emergency Patients in the field. The intent is to show the OASIS TEP standard and eventually develop an implementation guide that maps these standards to the V2 and V3 standards. She intends to show the document and get feedback and participation interest.
Recent catastrophic events (e.g. Hurricaine Sandy, ) have shown that along with EMS TEP, the standards need to interoperate with other existing standards to mirror the continuity of care from emergency field to other care facilities and situations.
Elysa continued to give an overview of the TEP standards document.
The WG then moved on to looking at the PSS. There are 2, one as a implementation guide for mapping TEP to v2 and another to map TEP to v3.
Elysa will send a link to the draft TEP, the presentation materials to the listserve this week.

The WG then continued with the reconciliation of the FHIR content spreadsheet sent out to the PAFM listserve:

On the entire ballot spreadsheet,we first filtered on PA and began with a filter on Negative Minors. There were no Negative Majors. Thus we began to try to reconcile:

  1. 190 Motion to accept the disposition of persuasive. Alex moved, Nat second. 6, 0, 0.
  2. 191 The WG was unable to establish the exact version of the FHIR version to which the ballot comment refers. Therefore we will have to contact Melva who is submitting this for Lloyd to find out. An email was sent to Lloyd to try to clarify this item.

Due to the fact that the WG could not find the references to #191-#197, the WG moved on to #199.

  1. 199 – Move as persuasive by Nat. Seconded by Alex. Vote: 3/0/2. Change required
  2. 200 – Organization Provider shouldn't be 1..1. Provider might be known by context or might be irrelevant. Nat moves to accept as persuasive. Alex seconded. For 5/0/0.

Meeting Outcomes

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
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Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
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Monday Q4

HL7 Patient Administration Meeting Minutes

Location: Atlanta Room #12

Date: 2013-05-06
Time: Monday Q4
Facilitator Line Saele Scribe Alex de Leon
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Line Saele HL7 Norway
X Barry Guinn EPIC
X Nat Wong HL7 Australia
X Christian Hay GS1
X Alexander Henket E. Novation
X Alex de Leon Kaiser Permanente
Quorum Requirements Met (Chair + 3 members): Yes


Agenda Topics

  1. FHIR PA Ballot for Comment - Status (cont.)

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
At this time, a response was received by Lloyd indicating that this comment was referring to when Person was a resource. Since person has been subsumed into the Provider resource, it is no longer relevant. Therefore, item #191 was retracted.

  1. 192 – -Comment should be in the committee notes column instead of the Comments for the resource so it does not get published, since Type already shows as “string”. Nat moved to accept as persuasive. Alexander de Leon seconded. 3/0/0. Work Required.
  2. 193 – Organization.address , Organization.telecom, Organization.contactPerson.address, Organization.contactPerson.telecom - Alexander Henket moves to accept as persuasive with the disposition that an invariant should be created for this constraint. Nat seconded. 3/0/2. Work required.
  3. 194 – Organization: Formal Definitions. Alexander Henket moves to accept as persuasive that the v2 mappings should be done bu the work group. Nat seconded. 4/0/1. Work required.
  4. 195 – Organization: Formal Definitions - Discussion about whether it is absolutely necessarily supply requirements for each element. It was decided that we should endeavor to do so. Alexander Henket moves for the work group will provide requirements for every element as time and resources allow. Alexander de Leon seconds. Work Required
  5. 197 - Organization.relatedOrganization.type – Nat moves for the PAWG to remove the text. Barry seconds. 4/0/1. Work required
  6. 201 – Patient: Resource Content – Diet is not part of the 80% it should be an extension. Nat moves to accept this as persuasive. Barry seconds. The WG will make diet an extension. Vote: 4/0/1. Work required.
  7. 202 – Patient: Resource Content - Balloter does not think recordLocation meets the 80%, it should be an extension. Nat moves to accept this as persuasive. seconds. The WG will make “recordLocation” as an extension, if needed. Vote: 5/0/0. Work required.
  8. 207 – Organization.contactPerson We shouldn’t be explaining the meaning between resources. The workding adds value to understanding the use of the element. Nat moves to find this not-persuasive, Alex de Leon seconded. Vote: 4/0/1

Meeting Outcomes

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Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
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