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2012-08-09 Tooling Call

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Tooling Meeting Template

Meeting Information

HL7 Tooling Meeting Agenda/Minutes

Location: Phone: +1 770-657-9270;
Participant PassCode:586935#
GoToMeeting URL:

Date: 2012-08-09
Time: 10:00 am EDT
Facilitator: Andy Stechishin Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Attendee Name, Affiliation
. .
x Woody Beeler, Beeler Consulting
x Wilfred Bonney, HL7 HQ
x Joshua Carmody, HL7 HQ Tooling Administrator
x Dennis Cheung
Lorraine Constable, HL7 ES liaison
x Jane Curry, Co-Chair
x Tim Ireland, Co-chair
x Lynn Laakso, HL7 HQ Tooling Support
x Abdul-Malik Shakir, Shakir Consulting
John Ritter, EHR
x Andy Stechishin, Co-chair
Michael van der Zel, HL7 PC and RIMBAA liaison
Quorum Requirements Met (co-chair plus 3 counting staff): yes


Agenda Topics

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Convened at 10:06 AM EDT

  • Roll Call & Agenda Review - agenda approved by general consent
  • Approval of previous minutes from 2012-08-02 Tooling Call Jane notes that she cannot provide the HingX demo this week but the 16th instead, Due to a snag in accepting HL7's Alpha participation. It may be postponed further due to liaison reports next week. Andy moves approval, second by Woody. Unanimously approved. Lynn will update the wiki.
  • Review action items -
    • 2003: close the tooling documentation tracker and open new tracker for recommendations to tooling documentation; Jane suggests we talk about them along with the Tools and Resources page on the same agenda. Add to agenda of the 23rd as a communications-focused session.
    • 1998: Woody notes an installer was posted but announcement not yet sent out due to need polishing on documentation. HL7 XML Validation Engine now has copyright assertions for OHT; it carries the HL7 tooling license. It is XML validation for schemas and instances against schemas. Woody will send notice to the list later this week but there's a link to it from other tooling projects. It should be finished today. Close the tracker. The link is to "XMLValidationEngine" at:
    • 2294 - still no word from Justin- We should also explore other universities with whom to partner. Andy will send Duane Bender's email to Lynn for contact follow up with Mohawk.
  • Update on V3 Generator Status (Woody) Tracker 2296 - nothing new this week. Started working through it and will likely get something productive by end of August. See last week's minutes.
  • proposed GForge site upgrade to v6.1.0 sometime after August 20, 2012, with about 30 minutes of down time on the site.
    • Josh feels it's not a dramatic change but user interface improvements.
    • Andy asks about narrowing down the date - Josh notes that GForge group is requesting us to name the date. Andy relays concerns over any potential impact during a critical time leading up to the WGM for control of artifacts. September 15th would be an ideal time. Woody notes if there are potential SVN changes we shouldn't risk being stuck. Tim asks what the backout strategy is or escalation process - Josh notes he has the cell phone # of the president of the company so there's a terminal escalation right there. Need confirmation for next week and communicate the upcoming change.
  • Review projects:
    Tooling-sponsored Projects
    • PI# 913 HL7 Tooling Challenge
      Karen will identify contact with OMG and assignment of resource for review panel - Lynn asks about where the submissions will be stored and to whom will access be provided for the review panelists to determine the winner. Details of the submission process (to whom will submissions go in order to be uploaded to GForge) should be worked on in an upcoming call.
    • PI# 904 HL7/OHT Health Ingenuity Exchange Alpha Program Participation
      EC reviewing business proposition for HL7 participation in HingX Alpha Program. Informal use is still permitted but alpha participation status offers higher prioritization on requests.
    • PI# 831 EHR-S FM Profiling Tool
      John Quinn has accepted first phase; request for budget to support second phase will be in next budget discussions. Contract awardee will be notified by HQ.
    • PI# 803 Tooling_Dashboard
      Mike not on the call today. Lynn will send him a reminder.
    • PI# 802 Tooling Communication Plan and Execution
      Tooling Dashboard, upgrade of pilot documentation, and Tools and Resources page all part of tooling communication plan - set this work as a session at the WGM to dive in.
    • PI# 801 Tooling Strategy and Process Revision
      Dependency on the work of Grahame Grieve. Report submitted to EC for review and more detail requested. He agreed to work with Tooling WG to produce additional detail. Need a different telecom schedule to accommodate Grahame. Jane will follow up.
    • PI# 742 Model Automated Exchange (MAX) for UML Models
      Jane notes we may have to do an additional RFP due to responses not having development resources; she suggests holding off on further RFP work at this time pending EHR-S FM profiling. Need CIC members for review who are not on a proposal. AMS thinks that will be Anita Walden. Tim asks about overlap with Tooling Challenge. AMS will send a message to the newly formed UML Modeling list to participate as well. For lack of developer, if project timeline extends past January need to know by November to extend the project and remain eligible for funding.
      Tim asks if MAX is using GForge; AMS says their initial documents are on Wiki but the code will eventually go to GForge.
    • PI# 665 MIF based Publishing Phase II
      will be reviewed for closure when Woody completes incorporating the V3 Generator. Probably need to review Thursday Q2.
  • Other/New Business
    • AMS reports disturbing observations of folks saying V3 is dead. Woody notes that some early interest in FHIR was creating such rumors. Jane reports that the Board has committed to establishing product lines and we will need to align our tools with product lines supported by the Board.
  • Adjourned 11:58am.

Meeting Outcomes

  • Lynn will send Mike a reminder on the Tooling Dashboard feasibility recommendation.
  • Josh will get confirmation of GForge upgrade date for next week
  • Lynn will follow up with Mohawk
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • How to communicate the upcoming GForge upgrade changes
  • HingX demo probably the 23rd
  • the Tooling Challenge submission process likely the 23rd
  • Tooling Liaisons report next week on 2012-08-16 Tooling Call

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