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October 26, 2011 Behavioral Health CCD Project Conference Call

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Agenda Topics

  1. Roll Call, approve minutes October 5th Conference Call, call for agenda items


  • Ioana led requirements discussion. Madan wants to make sure that all the requirements can be supported in a C32 for transfers of care among Regional and Tribal Behavioral Health Authorities so that Arizona behavioral health providers can leverage the new BH CCD for Meaningful Use.
  • Deadline for BH CCD requirements for first iteration due very soon, and the predominant requirements are being provided by Arizona. There are likely a number of overlapping classes. State specific classes will be incorporated as extension.
  • Nik and Richard discussed value of using Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) and the CMHS Uniform Reporting System for Mental Health National Outcome Measures (NOMS) as the core for the BH CCD and letting states subset and extend to meet their specific requirements.
  • Ioana described the next steps: By Sunday a cochair must submit a Notice of Intent to Ballot. Must finish the requirements document requirements and submit by the end of November. The requirements document will be reviewed for the ballot month through December. Commenters can provide feedback on the initial requirements.
  • Ioana showed the group how another project (EHR RM-ES Presentation) approached developing a Domain Analysis Model, which was the basis for user input form for creating EHR functional profiles.

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Draft BH CCD Vocabulary Enumerations Diagram