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**[[INM Closed Action Items - closed latest during the September 2007 WGM]]  
**[[INM Transmission and Transport Action Items]]
**[[INM Transmission and Transport Action Items]]

Latest revision as of 20:48, 19 February 2007

This page if for action items closed AFTER the Boca Raton WGM.

ITEM: 132

Opened: 01-Jul-04 Old Item: 518 Request PIC to create a process to ensure that those that bring forward v2 proposals should include a v3 mapping analysis

  • 01-Oct-04 , Doug Pratt , New , Admin
    • Not always possible (some elements are V2 artifacts) but the analysis needs to be done always.
  • 05-May-05 , Doug Pratt , Open , Admin
    • 20050506: Doug will ask PIC about status.
  • 16-Sep-05 , Joann Larson , Open , Admin
    • 20050916: Joann will take to PIC
  • 28-Nov-05, Joann Larson , Open , Admin
    • 20051128 INM Telcon: Joann will take to PIC
  • 20060508 WGM San Antonio, open
    • 20060508 WGM: We think this is on the PIC agenda. Rene is attending this Thursday. Noted that Robert Worden is trying to attend all groups having v2/v3 agenda items. Rene: the agenda item wasn't discussed (due to a lack of time) during the May2006 WGM.
  • 20060911: WGM, INM: Joann: open, PIC meets on Thursday
  • 20061222 Closed with exhaustion - INM will enforce this rule when it comes to its own proposals.

ITEM: 1003

Opened: 03-Oct-05 Old Item: 0

Prepare Project Scope and RFI for ebXML (ebXML)

  • 03-Oct-05 , Doug Pratt , New , ebXML
    • 20051003: Prepare Project Scope and RFI for ebXML Due Oct 17
  • 20051115: Doug, open
    • Next ballot cycle
  • 20060329: Doug, open
    • Ballot deadline for May 2006 was missed. Pubs material has been created/updated by Paul Knapp. Planned to have this up for ballot in September 2006.
  • 20060510: SAT WGM No change
  • 20060605: Still waiting on Paul
  • 20060913: INM WGM: Paul has prepared material, ready to submit. Paul to bring forward a draft for review by the committee.
  • 20061023: closed, done.

ITEM: 1026

  • Opened 20051121

Add text to the ATS about Message Exchange Patterns, and remove from WS profile. (Webservices)

  • 20051121, Roberto, new
    • This work item is in reference to Item 20 in the WS ballot, Section 3.3.1. New wording to be created jointly with Miroslav Koncar, editor of the ATS document.
  • 20051212, Roberto, Open
  • 20051212, Roberto, Open
    • 20060510: INM WGM: Wiki has some wording, has yet to be incorporated in ballot documents
  • available in latest ATS

ITEM: 1027

Closed: 2006-Jun-26

ITEM: 1028

Closed: 20060710

ITEM: 1036

Opened: 20060109

Create Wiki paper on approaches to dealing with duplicate transmission (MCCI)

  • 20060109, Rene Spronk, new
    • 20060109: Discussion: do we want HL7 to prescribe the way to deal with it? No one size fits all solution. Does the way to deal with duplicates depend on message infrastructure used? – No, that just affects the amount of lost messages. What is a valid reason to resend with the same – should one always use a new on a resend? Do we need a “this is a duplicate of message x” attribute? Create a list of pro and cons of various approaches. Replay messages obviously contain duplicate message.ids. Detection of duplicate order (via business ID) is different from a duplicate Transmission ( From sender perspective: no application response [although one was expected], what should a sender do?
  • 20060501, Rene Spronk, new
  • 20060605: still open
  • 20060821: added to TUE Q1 agenda of the Sep2006 WGM. Initial motions should be whether or not we (as HL7) want to make a statement about this issue, or leave it to implementers.
  • Declared to be out of scope for INM


Opened 20060705, Tony

Ballot reconcillation for COCT_HD920000

  • 20060705: The CMET was returned to InM for reconcillation
    • Tony Julian has 'volunteered' to gather the necessary materials
    • Reconcillation will be scheduled as soon as possible, no later than the next WGM
  • 20060828 InM Telcon: Remains open.
  • 20060915: Line items have been voted upon. Need to create a pubs package, will go out as a ballot this cycle.
  • 20061120: Tony Julian. DONE

ITEM: 1070

Opened: 20060516

Change usage of Act DEF in MFMI, MFMI

  • 20060516, Rene, new, MFMI
  • closed, to be documented in next release

Item: 1088

Opened 20060724

20060724: Prepare a proposal for Harmonization to add new class to support the Select Column use case.

  • 20060724, new,
    • 20060724: InM telcon: Item added to support the vote taken that ParameterItem cannot be used to constrain scope by columns (see Nature of ParameterItem for details) a proposal needs to be proposed for harmonization to add a new class to support the Select Column Use Case.
  • 20060828 InM Telcon: Remains open.
  • 20060915: WGM: proposal hasn’t been created.
  • 20061222 proposal created and approved by committee, close

Item: 1093 CLOSED

Opened 20060511

Determine if SET<ST> specializable to IVL<SC>

  • 20060511: San Antonio WGM: From joint InM/XML minutes Thursday Q1.
    • Type substitutability rules in schema may not match those in the abstract spec. Is SET<ST> specializable to IVL<SC> (mail to CQ)
    • Grahame to ask at harmonization and put answer in Wiki
  • 20060911: Larson: This is not on the Wiki. Has this been done? Is it still active?

20060913: Larson: Late entry to Wiki based on InM minutes from San Antonio WGM; Grahame G; XML 10061002: Telcon - Datatypes r-2 proposal 67 provides this definition. Update to point to the prosal.

Item: 1094 CLOSED

Opened 20060511, Rene S, MCAI

Change default value of context conduction in Control Act.

  • 20060113 WGM, new, Rene S
    • INM Motion will be proposed when we get the Minutes from MnM.
    • INM considers recommendation from MnM to change the default value of context conduction in the control-act wrapper to not be a constant value.
  • 20060912: Larson. I do not see this on the wiki. Is this item still relevant?
  • 20060913: Larson: Late entry to Wiki based on InM minutes from Phoenix and San Antonio WGM.
  • 20060915 Motion to change contextConduction on CACT-Payload association not to be a fixed value. This has backwards compatibility issues associated with it. (Rene/Sandy, 16-0-2)
  • 20060913: Document is written, for discussion Q3. Still open to check that follow up happens
  • 20061002: TElcon closed.

Item: 1095 CLOSED

Opened 20060112, Grahame, XML-DT

Add “The XML Data Types document and the Abstract data types document need to be in synchronization for committee and membership ballots.” to an InM policy document.

  • 20060112 PHX WGM: Opened new item
    • Add “The XML Data Types document and the Abstract data types document need to be in synchronization for committee and membership ballots.” to an InM policy document.
  • 20060511 SAT WGM: No update
  • 20060912: Larson: This item is not on the Wiki. Is it still relevant?
  • 20060913: Larson: Late entry to Wiki based on InM minutes from Phoenix and San Antonio WGM.
  • 20061002: Closed - “The XML Data Types document and the Abstract data types document need to be in synchronization for committee and membership ballots. by definition!

Item: 1098

Opened 20060915, Mark Tucker, ControlActs

write up description of Bolus, as well as the underlying use-case

  • 20060915 Action for Mark Tucker to write up description of Bolus, as well as the underlying use-case, difference bewteen Bolus/subscription, description of Bolus should go into v2.7 as well as in v3.
  • 20061002: Telcon still open: Doug will remind Mark.
  • 20061003: Mark thanks Doug for the reminder - will address.
  • 20061222, closed, see Bolus.

Item: 1102 Closed

Opened 20060914, Meena Pillai, ControlActs
Lead the development of the new batch wrapper and prepare for ballot

  • 14-Sep-06 Opened. Meena to lead with help from Charlie and Doug.
  • 20061002: Telcon still open - Scope will change - related to batching at the control act level.
  • 2006-11-13 Problem not solved, but this request was withdrawn. Area to be reworked but can close action item.

Item: 1108 Closed

Edit tables 76 and 3, version 2

  • Perform edits to chapter 2 v2.6 as follows(to tables 00076 and 0003):
    • Find line items 40, 41 and 42 Persuasive. Delete the following message types from Table 0076 message Type: MCF, MFD and TBR. The MCF Delayed Acknowledgement Message appears was withdrawn from chapter 2 in v2.5. The MFD Master File Delayed Acknowledgement Message appears to have been withdrawn from chapter 8 in v2.5. Miscellaneous references to it are being struck in v2.6. The TBR is being withdrawn from chapter 5 in v2.6, along with the other enhanced mode query/response pairs.
    • Find line item 36 Persuasive. Delete from table 0003 Event type: CNQ, P04 All reference to the CNQ is being deleted in v2.6. This was an obsolete version of the cancel query. See minutes from September 25, 2006 telcon.
    • 20061002:Telcon Will be done when all are done. Following see minutes of 20061002 Telcon
  • Added:Find Persuasive the following additions to HL7 Table 0003 Event:
    • Add M16 "Master File Notification - MFN/MFK - Inventory Item Enhanced" as defined in chapter 8, section, 8.12.2 Add M17 "DMI - DRG Master File Message" as defined in chapter 8, section as defined in chapter 8, section, 8.13.1 Add R25 as defined in chapter 7 "OPU – Unsolicited Population/Location-Based Laboratory Observation Message," section as defined in chapter 7, section, 7.3.10
    • Find Not Persuasive the following additions to HL7 Table 0003 Event: E45. QBP E45 "Query Eligibility" is shown as a strike-through in chapter as defined in chapter 16, section 16.4.17, RSP E45 "Eligibility Query Response" is shown as a strike-through in chapter as defined in chapter 16, section16.4.18
    • Find Persuasive: Delete from HL7 Table 0003 Event: R03 "QRY/DSR Display-oriented results, query/unsol. update." This event no longer appears in either chapter 5 or chapter 7. There is a notation in the Appendix that it was replaced by Q05 "UDM/ACK - unsolicited display update message"
  • 2006-11-13 - All done, close.

ITEM 1109 Closed

Status of P04 trigger, version 2

  • Take up the disposition of V2.6 M3 reconcillation item 35 : Take up with FM the status of the P04 Trigger event. If they are refering to original mode or enhanced mode queries, these have been deprecated. What message are they refering to? A deprecated one, or a new query. This effects table 33.
  • 20061002:Telcon: Scott Robertson will follow up with FM.
  • 2006-11-03 [smr] - further investigation and review revealed that P04 is a 'defined' trigger is Chapter 6, just not well defined. It is appropriate for P04 to be included in the trigger event table, but the definition of P04 needs to be 'fixed' - may need to be a different message. resolution of P04 definition is out of scope for InM, and is out of scope for FM in v2.6. Scott notified FM (during 11/3 teleconference) of the situation and that P04 should be addressed in v2.7.
  • 2006-11-13 - Sitting with FM, nothing more InM can do. Closed.

ITEM 1111 - Closed

Discuss MSH-10 datatype change, HL7 v2

  • Proposal #475 may require a datatype change to MSH:10. INM needs to discuss this with the proponent, Patrick Lloyd. The proponent may have to re-submit.
    • 20060925 Tony will contact the proponent to verify the intent - to be an OID which would suggest an HD datatype.
    • 20060925 Tony will confer with Doug after discussion with Proponent.
    • 20061002 Waiting for proponent to reply.
  • 2006-11-13 Resolved; closed.

ITEM 1110

Minutes from FRI Q1 are missing: Re-vote on motions from Boca-Raton

  • Minutes for Friday Q1 from Boca Raton should reflect the actions taken on proposals #475 and #476.
  • Grahame: Tony remembers that the proposals were tabled. Further discussion is needed with the proponents, as well as the Chapter Editors.
    • Grahame: V2 Status. We had no motion - it was defered to telcon.
    • The full list of ballots includes
      • Batch Wrappers topic for DSTU (cancelled, is a new ControlAct topic for May 2006)
      • Abstract Transport
      • ebXML Transport
      • Shared Messages (definitely)
      • Draft Abstract Data Types
      • Draft XML Data Types
      • Draft XML Structures
      • UML ITS
      • Removable Media
      • Control CMETs
  • Closed. Motion was made on 20060925 as to what ballots are going forward.


Field length change, HL7 v2

  • Tony to bring to ARB: Proposal to change length of DLN.3 to 8; change length of DLN to 50. Resolves line item 242 in V2.6 ballot.
  • 2006-11-13 - ARB approved this, Tony thinks. Needs to confirm.
  • 2006-11-14 -Changes were made based on ARB minutes

ITEM 1114 - Closed

Request OO to change length of ORC-10 to 3220, HL7 v2

  • Scott will take to Orders via email/next teleconference. relates to v2.6 Ballot Item 18
  • 2006-10-30 new. note: several fields with item number 00224 have length of 3220. ORC-10 is the notable exception, and is considered the “parent” for item 00224
  • 2006-11-01 [smr] - noticed that the length of ACC-7 also needs to be increased from 250. Sent email request on behalf of InM to both OO and FM.
  • 2006-11-02 [smr] - Orders accepted length increase for ORC-10
  • 2006-11-03 [smr] - FM accepted length increase for ACC-7
  • 2006-11-13 - Closed.

ITEM 1115 - Closed

Update v2.6 reconcilation database with 2006-10-23 results, HL7 v2

  • Joann
  • 20061030 - new
  • 2006-11-13 - Submitted.

ITEM 1116 - Closed

Submit ebXML content for ballot, HL7 v3

  • Tony / Paul
  • 2006-10-30 – new. Paul will supply Tony with final edited version. Tony will send in to HQ
  • 2006-11-13 - completed; closed.

ITEM 1121

Query Operator discussion on 12/11/06

  • 2006-12-04 - New. Scott will notify original requestor that this topic will be discussed on 12/11 telcon. A proposal to address the overall issue is preferred to just adding the one operator. See Query Parameters wiki page.
  • Moot point, decision has been taken on an INM call, see Query Parameters

ITEM: 2019

Opened: 20060509

Document that MIL may support fragmentation in the ATS document, ATS

  • 20060509, Miroslav, new, ATS
    • (Motion "The INM committee decides not to support a mechanism to fragment large messages. Any fragmentation for transmission/transport purpose should be dealt with within the Message Infrastructure Layer. The receiving HL7 Application has the option of refusing an interaction because of its size.", 20060509 Rene/Miroslav, 13-1-0).
    • Discussion: Miroslav: fragmentation is present in v2 (as a site negotiation option), problematic in v3. Fragmentation is a post-serialization ITS specific issue. Document that MIL may support fragmentation in the ATS document.
  • done.

ITEM: 2023

Opened: 20060619

Get negatives withdrawn for ATS

  • 20060619, Doug, new, ATS
    • Post ballot rec, follow up to get all votes withdrawn
  • 20060913: WGM: open, needs to be done before next ATS ballot opens
  • 20061113: closed, done.