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20180713 PLA call

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HL7 PLA Call Minutes

Location: Phone: +1 770-657-9270, Participant Code: 985371,

Date: 2018-07-13
Time: 11:30 AM
Facilitator Mary Kay/ Austin Note taker(s) Anne
Attendee Name

x Calvin Beebe
x Lorraine Constable
Jean Duteau,
x Tony Julian
Paul Knapp
x Austin Kreisler,
x Mary Kay McDaniel
Brian Pech
Wayne Kubick
John Roberts
Andy Stechishin
no quorum definition


Agenda review

  • Notes of 20180629_PLA_call review
  • Actions
    • Austin to send email to V2 and 2 CDA nominees
    • Set up first meeting for V2
    • MK to find an agenda template that was used for CDAMG
    • Anne to ask Andrea/Pat to send reminder for V2 nominees
      • Complete
    • MK will do some research and make a Confluence page for PLA
    • Wayne will reach out to Stan to get his take on CIMI issues
    • Lorraine to forward email regarding CIMI Road Map
    • Paul to attend a few CIMI calls to assess the situation
  • notional division of products into product families and lines, to provide examples for peer review.
    • Level of granularity
    • Identify which pieces are orphaned, and the political elements to be surfaced.
    • Positioning cross-product family artifacts (standards naming)
  • BAM-lite feedback and review
    • Governance on V2.x (v2.9 substantive changes)
    • develop form to request establishing a Product Family


    • Currently fragmented due to consensus on modeling. Standing up as a product family is premature.
    • CIMI-MG currently on hold. Wayne and Stan are working to engage international presence.
    • Need to communicate to the CIMI-MG volunteers that it is currently on hold, while additional involvement is solicited.
      • ACTION: Austin will talk with Wayne on how to do that.
  • V2-MG
    • Need to determine time slow for this meeting. Do a Doodle poll, start with international (although Frank may be on vacation). Riki is PST. Make sure Brian Pech is involved.
      • Cochair elections
      • Mission and charter start
      • DMP
      • Responsibilities
      • Product listing
      • BRIAN to help with to dos
        • After establishment, flesh out the role of V2MG vs. Publishing
        • Is there interest in V2 connectathons? V2MG should discuss.
      • Michael Brody would run if no one else was going to. He would like to support Riki.
  • Next time: Website update - finding Mgmt/methodology groups


Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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