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2018-06-01 CDAMG Conference Call

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HL7 CDAMG Minutes

Location: Conference Call

Date: 2018-06-01
Time: 2:00 PM (ET)
Facilitator Brett Note taker(s) Lisa
Attendee Name

George Dixon
Jean Duteau
Rick Geimer
Kai Heitmann
Brett Marquard
Linda Michaelsen
Lisa Nelson
Andrew Statler
Quorum: Chair +3

Agenda & Minutes

  • Welcome
  • Approve Minutes of 2018-05-14_CDAMG_Cologne_WG_Agenda
  • Agenda review
  • Discussion Topics
    • PSS's to Approve:
    • Action item from Cologne: Problem status (clinical status alignment) motion (Emma)
    • Update people on new Attendance Policy
      • Reviewed the need to set attendance criteria
      • can't miss more than 60% of meets or more than 2 WG meetings in a row without being excused (follows GOM 90.03)
        • Adding this to our CDA Management Group Policies document
    • Need to pick a new time to meet.
      • Propose: Wednesday 1pm Eastcoast, 10am Pacific and 7pm EU
    • Process/tooling
      • Status of moving the CDA Management Group minutes to Confluence (Andrew)
    • Reorganization of the product pages for CDA and C-CDA (Proposal)
    • Discuss CDA Product Roadmap
      • Need to develop a 3-year Roadmap - Template supplied by Wayne
    • Pilot of collaborative template review
      • Need to develop a PSS
      • Need to clarify the scope of groups involved, CDA-MG reps to support each group, Templates in scope for review
      • Do we have enough resources and a clear enough process to do more than one at the same time?
    • Discuss Production of HL7 News Articles
      • About work being done in CDA Examples Task Force (June 25)
      • About the Evolution Strategy for C-CDA (October?)
      • About use of QRDA templates in C-CDA files, Reason for actions not done. (TBD)
        • Official call for stories for the September newsletter around May 21-23
        • Article ideas/themes are due by June 4
        • Actual articles and accompanying images/graphics are due to me by June 25
    • Key Things to focus on before next WG Meeting
      • Move minutes to Confluence
      • Establish 3-yr roadmap with milestones in key areas: Base Std adoption, IG revisions/errata updates, Value Set updates, tooling modernization
      • Templates Review Pilot
      • Structure Def for templates
      • Clear C-CDA to FHIR mappings in FHIR mapping language
      • IG Registry approach

Meeting Outcomes

  • Lisa and Brett - follow-up on Pharmacy IG with Wayne--Where is it???
  • Lisa and Brett - meeting with Lynn Lasco about Product Pages.
  • Lisa and Brett - send note to HL7 News Editor Andrea Ribick
  • Andrew - Minutes to Confluence
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • May 4th, 2:00pm ET
  • NOTE: No meeting on 5/11

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