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2018-04-13 CDAMG Conference Call

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HL7 CDAMG Minutes

Location: Conference Call

Date: 2018-04-13
Time: 2:00 PM (ET)
Facilitator Brett Note taker(s) Lisa
Attendee Name

X George Dixon
X Jean Duteau
X Rick Geimer
Kai Heitmann
X Brett Marquard
X Linda Michaelsen
X Lisa Nelson
Andrew Statler
Quorum: Chair +3

Agenda & Minutes

  • Welcome
  • Approve Minutes of 2018-04-06_CDAMG_Conference_Call
    • Approve my consensus
  • Agenda review
  • Discussion Topics
    • Publication Request Review: (None Scheduled)
    • Update on New CMG members nominations
      • Nomination Request went out on 4/9
    • Asset Inventory Work
      • Review progress on CMG Wiki changes - CONGRATULATIONS! We're done for now. (Asset List)
        • Confirm Jean has updated the CDA-IAT info - no further discussion today
    • Review progress toward having a Project Dashboard
    • New order for list
    • Ideas for organizing versions of asset
    • Ideas for reorganization the product pages for CDA and C-CDA
        • Brett will check on status of Jira for projects
    • Discuss CDA Product Roadmap
    • Planning for May WG in Cologne
      • Monday (May 10th), Q0
        • Architectural Review,FHIR Management Group,Standards Goverance Board,CDA Management Group has been invited to join Technical Steering Committee at the May 2018 HL7 International Working Group Meeting
      • CMG meeting Monday, Q4
        • Will be there: Andrew, Rick, Lisa, Brett, Kai
        • Will not there: Linda, George, Jean
    • Future Meetings - leading up to May WG Meeting
    • Need a CDA logo - no further discussion today

Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • April 20, 2:00pm ET

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