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2015-03-03 Rx Conf Call

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 22:03, 2 March 2015 by Hugh Glover (talk | contribs) (→‎Use Cases for Supply Chain)
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  • John Hatem (Chair), Hugh Glover (scribe), Jose Texiaras, Jean-Henri Duteau, Charlie Mead



Review of FHIR items added at FHIR Clinical Connectathon

  • Requirements for Value Sets
    • continuing
  • Date Entered and other tracker issues
    • done

FHIR Examples

  • Discussion of what examples we should be providing for each of our resources
    • Melva is working on examples based on the list of examples that were identified during the San Antonio meeting

Harmonization Proposals

Motion that Pharmacy WG will not participate this cycle
Proposed: Hugh, Seconded Jean-Henri, passed 4,0,0

List Serve

Link to List Serve Postings

CCDA Template work

  • John and Melva have continued to work on the attributes for the CCDA templates
  • have identified some items that need to be looked at - will re[port soon.

Medication Treatment Plan Project (Stephen Chu)

  • document has been forwarded to the list
  • Jose said this document should not have been shared and is now on hold.

Use Cases for Supply Chain

  • Use Cases for Supply Chain - will bring in O&O and Pharmacy WG
    • IHE working on a White Paper - want a common pattern regardless of the type of product
  • Extensive discussion - Jose concerned about workflow and content - pharmacy mainly focused on content. There are also concerns about different groups in HL7 handling the same supply chain process in different ways.
Action: Jose to summarize the white paper and send to Pharmacy.


  • Jose still interested and has forwarded to Grahame and hence to Lloyd for comments from a FHIR perspective. No major comments.
  • Discussion of use cases - Hugh / John both felt existing resources have the information required, but workflow issues are not a part of the pharmacy resources. If there is some additional information required Pharmacy would be happy to add that.

Pharmacy Glossary


Next meeting - March 9, 2015 at 4pm Eastern