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2013-08-01 Tooling Call
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Tooling Meeting Template
Meeting Information
HL7 Tooling Meeting Agenda/Minutes Location: Phone: +1 770-657-9270; |
Date: 2013-08-01 Time: 2PM Eastern |
Facilitator: Dennis | Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso |
Attendee | Name, Affiliation |
. | . |
Woody Beeler, Beeler Consulting | |
regrets | Wilfred Bonney, HL7 HQ |
Jeff Brown, HL7 ES liaison | |
Joshua Carmody, HL7 HQ Tooling Administrator | |
x | Dennis Cheung, co-chair, eHealth Ontario |
x | Jane Curry, Templates, OHT liaison |
Diego Kaminker, Education liaison | |
x | Lynn Laakso, HL7 HQ Tooling Support |
x | Abdul-Malik Shakir, CIC liaison |
x | John Quinn, CTO |
Rik Smithies, CS liaison | |
Rob Snelick, CGIT liaison | |
Rene Spronk, Marketing liaison | |
x | Andy Stechishin, Co-chair |
regrets | Michael van der Zel, co-chair |
Quorum Requirements Met (co-chair plus 3 counting staff): (yes) |
Agenda Topics
- Roll Call & Agenda Review
- Approval of previous minutes from 2013-07-25 Tooling Call
- Review action items -
- Andy will take the motherhood-and-apple-pie statements and formulate a statement with some of the current projects for review on the call.
- 2294 Andy sent a note to the Education cochairs and we've had no response back - on Education's August 14 call agenda. Lynn will schedule a conference call for Dennis, Andy, Michael and Jane to review and discuss further next week to decide if it will go forward.
- Update from Board retreat on Tooling Strategy
- Michael shared a draft on the SparX EA use in HL7 review?
Other updates as available:
- Review projects:
- Tooling-sponsored Projects
- PI# 992 Tooling Work Group Education Requirements and Plan - see Tooling_Education
- PI# 913 HL7 Tooling Challenge
- PI# 904 HL7/OHT Health Ingenuity Exchange Alpha Program Participation
- PI# 831 EHR-S FM Profiling Tool
- PI# 803 Tooling_Dashboard
- PI# 802 Tooling Communication Plan and Execution
- PI# 742 Model Automated Exchange (MAX) for UML Models
- PI# 665 MIF based Publishing Phase II
- Other/New Business
Supporting Documents
Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
- Roll Call & Agenda Review
- Dennis needs to switch chairing the 15th. Andy will take it.
- Approval of previous minutes from 2013-07-25 Tooling Call Andy moves approval seconded by AMS. Jane abstains, passes 4/0/1.
- Review action items -
- 2294 Andy sent a note to the Education cochairs and we've had no response back - on Education's August 14 call agenda. Lynn will schedule a conference call for Dennis, Andy, Michael and Jane to review and discuss further next week to decide if it will go forward. This call was held yesterday 7/31.
- Discussion yesterday on whether to move forward on this. Dennis reached Duane of Mohawk yesterday and Duane indicated he was in early stages preparing curricula and wanted to know what our direction would be. Andy suggests we let him know we'll be in touch after we discuss with the Education WG. Jane relates a tentative conversation for Friday or next week. AMS notes that Marketing committee once worked on an outreach program to universities. Jane reiterates we need to know the Board direction on the Tooling Strategy to proceed.
- Dennis and Andy and Lynn will also join the Education call on Aug 14.
- Update from Board retreat on Tooling Strategy
- John notes the Board spent most of its time dealing with one issue, and the Tooling Budget sits on this issue's periphery. First day is Advisory Council suggestions for strategies. Each of the Advisory Council's strategies suggest4ed has tooling implications but can't define what's in the hopper but more over the horizon. The Board retreat on day 2 and 3 analyzed the fluctuations in membership with the change to the no-cost IP licensing. There are uncomfortable dips in some categories that were not unexpected. Board focused on hearing what survey's revealed that members thought were worth paying for. They want conformance certification or conformance testing. Board has asked him to do by Monday Aug 5 to come up with a phased plan for determining potential and plan for conformance testing. How would this differ from the testing that NIST already does on EHR… He needs to know what the expected timeframe is, from the Board, to do this- Perhaps sometime next year. What exact strategy will we use and how will it be funded. He does not want to use the Tooling Budget to do it. He wants to wait through next week on Board direction and anticipate planning through the end of the calendar year. Need to see how this plays out both for conformance testing and FHIR. Discretionary funds in the budget are either Tooling or CEO. So wait a week before committing funds for the rest of the year.
- AMS asks how this differs from what NIST already does? Need a clear market plan and technical plan beyond what the US Government is already funding. Are they looking at other message types beyond what is in MU.
- Ticia Gerber's experience in market understanding will be key, as well as LMIC demand. Jane asks about certifying the certifiers? John notes it has been discussed as there are now 6 other certifiers under NIST's directive.
- John further notes he needs hard numbers on anticipated ROI as earning 10 cents on a dollar is not incenting.
- Many of our ideas on potential revenue sources might put HL7 in competition with our consulting members.
- Tooling as a member benefit confirmation sought by Jane.
- AMS knows an investor looking for a niche and he had recommended this certification area.
- Seek next update next week.
- Andy will take the motherhood-and-apple-pie statements and formulate a statement with some of the current projects for review on the call. Wanted to set a prioritization scheme, and will have something to discuss next week to set framework for discussion John brings from the Board.
- Michael shared a draft on the SparX EA use in HL7 review? Lynn could not open it, so Andy will download and send out.
Other updates as available:
- Review projects:
- Tooling Challenge review and selection needs to be scheduled.
- HingX - Jane and Andy are meeting Monday and will have an update on the use of the HingX API in our publishing process to auto-register artifacts. They are making incremental progress as best they can.
- MAX project - Doodle poll to be extended to developers by Andy, especially trying to reach Michael on holiday and Hugh.
- EHR-S FM Profiling Tool - Lynn has budget numbers and needs to speak to Karen and John on how to proceed with the proposed contract.
Adjourned 2:45 PM.
Meeting Outcomes
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items |
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