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MnM Minutes CC 20110309

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M&M Conference Call 4:00PM Eastern Time (Date above)


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Meeting ID: 701-832-453

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  • Approve Minutes Prior Meeting on 03/02
  • Verify Harmonization Plans and Content
  • Review MnM Defining Documents - Decision Making, Plans, Mission/Charter, SWOT
  • Review scope statement for joint MnM Vocab "Information Model Property Guidelines" project
  • Schedule discussion on issue of "Stability of Schemas"
  • Schedule future calls for March 23 and onwards

Approve Agenda and Minutes Prior Meeting on 03/02

Verify Harmonization Plans and Content

Content is summarized on wiki and complete package is available on the site at: Harmonization page on

Review MnM Defining Documents

Mission and Charter

Current Mission and Charter

SWOT Analysis

Current MnM SWOT

Strategic Plan


Decision Making Practices

Last year the TSC adopted a new template for Decision Making Practices that all Work Groups should use - the generic version below. They also provided a default version that could be adopted by any WG without change. MnM's current DMP are at top. Documents to consider include:

Project scope statement for "Information Model Property Guidelines"

Review scope statement for joint MnM Vocab "Information Model Property Guidelines" project

Schedule Discussion of Stability of Schemas

Drug stability - schemas changed between DSTU and Normative ballot. Can we try for March 16 or 30?

Schedule future calls for March 23 and onwards

[[New_Conformance_Flag_for_Don't_Ignore|Structured Document hot topic] 16th or later depending upon Stability availability - new on list

Other Business

Review Action Items For MnM

Note the following list, and amend the list to assign selected items:
