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MnM Minutes CC 20110309

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  • Approve Minutes Prior Meeting on 03/02
  • Verify Harmonization Plans and Content
  • Review MnM Defining Documents - Decision Making, Plans, Mission/Charter, SWOT
  • Review scope statement for joint MnM Vocab "Information Model Property Guidelines" project
  • Schedule discussion on issue of "Stability of Schemas"
  • Schedule future calls for March 23 and onwards


Lloyd McKenzie, Woody Beeler, Gregg Seppala, Austin Kreisler, Brian Pech, Rob Hausam, Mead Walker

Approve Agenda and Minutes Prior Meeting on 03/02

Approved agenda - MW/GS unanimous

Approved Minutes LM/AK unanimous

Verify Harmonization Plans and Content

Content is summarized on wiki and complete package is available on the site at: Harmonization page on

Reviewed the list of items from the wiki and voted endoresement of three of the items by M&M:

Endorse Item 010101 LM/AK 4-0-1

Endorse Item 010102 LM/BP 5-0-0

Endorse Item 020101 LM/MW 5-0-0

Review MnM Defining Documents

Deferred these, except for an agreement on desired quorum levels for a re-drafted DMP.

Mission and Charter

Current Mission and Charter

SWOT Analysis

Current MnM SWOT

Strategic Plan


Decision Making Practices

Last year the TSC adopted a new template for Decision Making Practices that all Work Groups should use - the generic version below. They also provided a default version that could be adopted by any WG without change. MnM's current DMP are at top. Documents to consider include:

Consensus of house that the DMP should start with the PIC proposed DMP, and change only as quorum: Conference calls and Face-to-face to be Chair plus 3, and at least 5 votes on e-votes.

GWB will provide am amended version by 2/16.

Project scope statement for "Information Model Property Guidelines"

Review scope statement for joint MnM Vocab "Information Model Property Guidelines" project

Made modest changes in the wording, then motion to approve the Project Scope Statement approved: LM/RS 5-0-0

Future Call Scheduling

  • Drug stability project team is concerned that - schemas changed between DSTU and Normative ballot and would like to talk about this because of the disruption it entailed to the implementations developed under the DSTU. Mead will caucus with them. March 16 would be best, but March 30 is also possible?

Schedule future calls for March 23 and onwards

Adjournment - 1 hour