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February 17th 2009 CBCC Conference Call

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Revision as of 19:34, 17 February 2009 by Ioana13 (talk | contribs) (→‎Agenda)
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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting


  1. Ioana Singureanu Scribe
  2. Suzanne Gonzales-Webb - CBCC Co-chair
  3. Tony Weida
  4. Rob McClure
  5. Pat Pyette
  6. David Sperzel


  1. (6 min) Roll Call
  2. Minutes approval:() unanimous ; Agenda approval ( ): unanimous
  3. (10 min) Work Plan Discussion to sych our expectations

The announcement for Notice of Intent to Ballot came out last week (Don Lloyd):

    • Composite Privacy Consent Directive V2 Domain Analysis - revise and republish, not reballot
    • Composite Privacy Consent Directive V2 Topic- revise, publish, ballot - Normative, committee level
    • Joint Project with Security - September ballot, not May. This will include vocabulary changes primarily. Security is the primary work group.
MOTION (Ioana/Pat): To approve the plans regarding Composite Privacy Consent Directive V2 May Ballot. Discussion, Vote: 6-0-0 (unanimous)
  1. (15 min) Vocabulary followup (Tony Weida/Rob McClure)
  2. (10 min) Work Plan Discussion

For next week:

 (20 min  Additional Requirements Additional Use cases provided by SAMHSA. 
 These must be harmonized with the Domain Analysis Model to make sure they are supported by Version 2.0 of the Composite Privacy Consent Directive topic.


  1. Can we ballot our vocabulary spec as an informative standard? We will publish it as a part of Composite Privacy Consent Directive Version 2.0.

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