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FHIR Infrastructure Minutes CC 20190128
FHIR Infrastructure Conference Call 3:00PM Eastern Time (Date above)
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- Approve Minutes Prior Meeting on 2019-01-07
- Approve Minutes From WGM in San Antonio on 2019-01
- FHIR Bulk Data PSS
- LLoyd McKenzie (chair)
- Rick Geimer (scribe)
- Abdullah Rafiqi
- Dan Donahue
- Dave Hamill
- Dragon
- Eric Haas
- Grahame Grieve
- Jeffery Danford
- Joe Quinn
- Ricky Sahu
- Shamil Nizamov
Minutes approval
- Motion to Approve Minutes Prior Meeting on 2019-01-07: Rick Geimer/Dragon: 12-0-0
- Motion to Approve Minutes From WGM in San Antonio on 2019-01: Rick Geimer/Eric Haas: 12-0-0
FHIR Bulk Data PSS
Reviewed the PSS from Ricky Sahu
- Discussed having FHIR-I and Security as sponsors (which should be primary?)
- Some discussion about how this IG differs from what is in the core spec about the use of NDJSON. Answer, the IG is US specific and lays down the expectations for how it is used in the US, but needs to be compatible with the core spec.