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Using This Manual

This manual is intended to be a primer on the tool, an introduction to the tool, and a reference source. The tabs at the top of the page list the various sections of this manual. This remainder of this section includes a summary of the contents for each tab, and recommended "paths" through the manual for various types of readers.

Summary of Tab Content

GetStarted tab: provides this reader's guide as well as a simple overview of the application GUI.

DataBase tab: Provides an overview of how the application uses the Access database in which the vocabulary specs are stored, as well as how to load, backup and restore the database from the application.

Browsing tab: Provides instruction on how to use the application for browsing the HL7 Vocabulary content.

Proposals tab: Provides detailed instruction on how to use the application to create Vocabulary Change Proposals, how to apply these proposals to the data base and how to manage proposals. It draws upon the next three sections for even more detailed instructions/

CodeSystems tab: Provides detailed instruction on preparing change proposals by selecting options on the Code Systems in the Code System Table of the application. As of October 2007, there are no such options.

Domains tab: Provides detailed instruction on preparing change proposals by selecting options on the Concept Domains listed in the Concept Domain Tree of the application. As of October 2007, there are no such options.

ValueSets tab: Provides detailed instruction on preparing change proposals by selecting options on the Value Set nodes displayed in the Value Set Navigator of the application. As of October 2007, there is a rich set of capable options for use.

Tutorial tab: Provides a step-by-step assisted walk through from starting the application through creation of a change proposal, and application of that proposal to the data base.

Installation tab: Provides detailed instructions on acquiring the application and installing it in Windows.

Key Sections for Various Users

First Time Users are recommended to:

  1. Review the GetStarted tab
  2. Install the application per the Installation tab
  3. Perform the step-by-step exercise in the Tutorial tab

Users Building Proposals for First Time are recommended to:

  1. Follow the sequence for First Time Users (above)
  2. Review the section on the DataBase tab
  3. Get comfortable with the steps on Browsing tab
  4. Review the content of the Proposals tab
  5. Scan the contents of the ValueSets tab in order to see what it contains and how it is organized

Users Building Harmonization Proposals will want rapid access to the following sections for reference: