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DoF 2016-10-12
Revision as of 00:28, 21 October 2016 by ToddCooper (talk | contribs) (STARTED Updated with Notes from Courville)
Meeting Information
- WebEx (incl. VOIP): CLICK HERE
- Phone: +1 770-657-9270
- Participant Code: 432584
- Barry Brown (Motara), Lorraine Constable (Constable Consulting), Chris Courville (Epic), John Garguilo (NIST), Stefan Karl (Philips), Brian Natz (GE), John Dyer (Draeger), J. Uwe Meyer (MT2IT), Joe Quinn (Optum), Brian Reinhold (LNI), Stefan Schlichting (Draeger), Paul Schluter (GE)
Regrets: Todd Cooper
- Introductions, Agenda Review, etc.
- Approve Minutes from previous call 2016.10.05
- Activity / Action Item Review
- - TBD
- Connectathon / Showcase Planning
- - TBD
- Topic: <TBD>
- Plan next meeting - 2016.10.19