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DoF 2016-10-12

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Meeting Information

WebEx (incl. VOIP): CLICK HERE
Phone: +1 770-657-9270
Participant Code: 432584


  • Muhammad Asim (Philips), Lorraine Constable (Constable Consulting), Todd Cooper (BSF), Chris Courville (Epic), Stefan Karl (Philips), Ana Kostadinovska (Philips), J. Uwe Meyer (MT2IT), Brian Reinhold (LNI), Stefan Schlichting (Draeger)

Regrets: None

NOTE: Audio problems were experienced by some, and thus had problems joining or staying on the call.


  • Introductions, Agenda Review, etc.
  • Approve Minutes from previous call 2016.10.05
- Reviewed Chris' draft notes, which were updated and approved; Todd will update to the wiki
  • Activity / Action Item Review
- BITS proposal confirmation from Ewout: Brian is still waiting to hear back; will give him a ping
- Model issue previously discussed was added by Brian into Tracker with explanation detail; should be reviewed and resolved in subsequent DoF meeting
- Lorraine mentioned that the published cutoff date for resolving FHIR Tracker CPs was October 9th; that said, we still need to work though them as soon as possible and move on
  • Connectathon / Showcase Planning
- Bi-Weekly CDS Virtual Connectathon
  • Todd continues to run down the status of setting up the HSPC CDS Collaborative sandbox based on HAPI FHIR 2.0
  • Uwe - How to connect with this group? ACTION (Todd) Make sure Uwe is connected with the CDS development group
- November DevDays Connectathon
  • Asim will reach out to Melanie Yeung for an update & technical details
  • Again, the intent is to test out the mappings that have been discussed
- January FHIR Connectathon
  • Story proposals are due soon! Todd will get the formal ball rolling, based on the proposed work for Baltimore
- January IHE DoF Connectathon
  • Todd will make a presentation to the IHE PCD group on DoF as part of their fall F2F
  • A webinar is planned for early November
  • Registration will open in November and will be a few $100 for the 3 days.