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20151021 FMG concall

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HL7 TSC FMG Meeting Minutes


(voice and screen)

Date: 2015-10-21
Time: 4:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Chair: Note taker(s): Anne W.
Quorum = chair + 4 yes/no
Co chairs David Hay x Lloyd McKenzie
ex-officio Woody Beeler,
Dave Shaver
FGB Co-chairs
. John Quinn, CTO
Members Members Members Observers/Guests
x Hans Buitendijk x Brian Postlethwaite Paul Knapp x Anne W., scribe
Josh Mandel x John Moehrke x Brian Pech
x Gil Alterowitz
x Eric Haas



  • Addition to agenda: approval of FAQs, approve additional technical corrections identified by Grahame and David
  • MOTION to approve agenda by Hans; second by Brian Post
  • VOTE: all in favor
  • MOTION to approve minutes by Hans; second by David
  • VOTE: all in favor
  • Action items:
    • Lloyd to review DSTU QA page: will keep on for next week
    • Lloyd did send out proposed timeline
    • draft process/instructions for experimental content: keep for next week
  • PSS to develop and maintain FHIR infrastructure resources:
    • Changed "relevant to domain content" to "FHIR-infrastructure owned resources"
    • MOTION to approve conditional upon FHIR-I approval of recommended change by Hans; second from Brian.
    • VOTE: all in favor
  • Project approval for Guideline Appropriate Ordering Profile:
    • Need to seek clarification on how and where this IG will be published
    • Need to clarify that it will be based on DSTU 2. Lloyd recommends that they remove items in blue from timeline. Want to note that order/order response may see significant change in 2.1.
    • MOTION from John to approve; second by Hans.
    • VOTE: all in favor
  • Security Resources project:
    • MOTION by John to approve; Brian Post seconds
    • VOTE: all in favor
  • Additional change requests for approval (sent via email by Lloyd on 10/20):
    • 8848
    • 8850
    • 8873
    • 8874
    • 8875
    • 8877
    • 8880
    • 8881
    • 8903
    • 8889
    • 8920 - submitted by David
    • MOTION by Hans to accept all corrections listed; second by David
    • VOTE: all in favor
  • Gil here to talk about the sequence resource:
    • One question: Is sequence and "act" kind of thing talking about a specific observation, or is it talking more about a physical thing like a specimen?
    • Gil responds that the sequence resource has fundamental information about the sequence and the variance. Gil sent some info via the CG list. It is a subtype of entity. An observation determines that a particular patient has X thing. The sequence is the subject of the observation. Concern that there is no direct link from the observation to both patient and sequence. Gil responds that it is an extension. Hans asks why it isn't called genetic sequence or something else more descriptive; Gil responds there are different sequences that this supports than simply genetic sequences. Lloyd suggests putting it next to specimen in diagnostics to help avoid confusion.
    • MOTION to approve Sequence Resource and the Genetics Profile by David; second by Brian Pech
    • VOTE: Brian Post abstains; 4 in favor
  • FHIR FAQs approval:
    • Hans has a question about comparison to CDA; why not add version 2 to it? Also, wants to amend the phrase easy-to-adopt. Lloyd makes edits to the 2nd question based on comments.
    • MOTION by Hans to approve the FAQs with the edits made; second by David.
    • VOTE: all in favor

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • Lloyd to review DSTU QA page
  • Draft process/instructions for experimental content
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

20151028 FMG concall

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