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INM San Diego Agenda

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Revision as of 04:02, 8 January 2007 by Rene spronk (talk | contribs)
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Draft InM Agenda for San Diego (Jan 2007).

See also XML San Diego 2007 Agenda

Monday 8 January

  • Q1 Un-Plenary (InM won't be meeting)
  • Q2 Meeting overview & Updates
    • Approval of the Boca Raton minutes
    • Co-chair election
    • Meeting Overview (max 30 min)
      • Ballot/proposal overview
      • Mission statement review
      • ITS SIG, formal approval of mission statement (max 15 min)
      • Decision making process document
      • Approve ambassadors: Grahame to Java SIG, Paul Knapp to ISO 215, Grahame/Rene to Templates.
    • INM Action Items: Organizational/procedural action items:
      • items: 1008, 1009, 1025, 1069, 1072, 1083, 1090, 1092, 1096, 1097, 1101, 1104, 1106, 1117, 1120 & 1014, 2025
  • Q3 Joint with MnM, MnM Hosting
  • Q4 v2.x quarter
    • Including all v2 conformance related issues
    • HL7 v2.7 proposals
    • HL7 v2.6 ballot reconciliation
    • Action items: 1030, 1059, 1089, 1100, 1103 & 976, 1029, 1057, 1058

Tuesday 9 January

Wednesday 10 January

  • Q1 Transports / Messaging Infrastructure
    • Action items: 967, 1091 & 1012, 1014, 1018, 1019, 2010, 2020, 2027
    • ATS ballot reconciliation
    • ebXML ballot reconciliation
    • Removable Media, Web services status update
  • Q2 v3 Data Type Issues
  • Q3 Hosting joint ITS SIG
  • Q4 Hosting joint meeting with Vocab
    • v2/v3 vocabulary issues
      • Action items: 71, 1063, 1069, 1113

Thursday 11 January

  • Q1 V2 Ballot reconciliation
    • Action items: see MON Q4
    • ballot reconciliation for v2.6
    • HITSP consideration if required.

Friday 12 January

  • Q1/Q2 Wrap-up meeting
    • HL7 v2.7 proposals (if any)
    • Java SIG update & status evaluation
    • Meeting evaluation
    • Ballot status
    • Direction of INM
    • co-Chair responsibilities
    • Agenda for next WGM