2012-05-17 PA WGM Minutes
Patient Administration Work Group Meeting – Thursday May 17, 2012
Thursday Q1
HL7 Patient Administration Meeting Minutes' Location: Regency East #3 |
Date: 2012-05-17 Time: Thursday Q1 | ||
Facilitator | Irma Jongeneel | Note taker | Alex de Leon |
Attendee | Name | Affiliation | |
X | Irma Jongeneel | Canada Infoway | |
X | Alex de Leon | Kaiser Permanente | |
X | Barry Guinn | EPIC | |
X | Iryna Roy | HL7 Canada | |
X | Oyvind Aassve | HL7 Norway | |
Quorum Requirements Met (Chair + 4 members): Yes |
Agenda Topics
V3 Work - Interdependent Registries
Supporting Documents
- Interdependent Registries Ballot
- Reconciliation Spreadsheet
Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
The WG discussed the current state of activity for the Interdependent Registries Domain Analysis Model (DAM). With the departure from this project of participants, Iryna agreed to be the editor for the Interdependent Registies DAM.
With this, this WG continued with the reconciliation of the Interdependent Registries DAM comments.
Meeting Outcomes
Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
Thursday Q2
HL7 Patient Administration Meeting Minutes Location: Garden Terrace, Suite #137 |
Date: 2012-01-19 Time: Thursday Q2 | ||
Facilitator | Irma Jongeneel | Note taker | Alex de Leon |
Attendee | Name | Affiliation | |
X | Irma Jongeneel | HL7 Netherlands | |
X | Alex de Leon | Kaiser Permanente | |
X | Barry Guinn | EPIC | |
X | Iryna Roy | HL7 Canada | |
X | Oyvind Aassve | HL7 Norway | |
X | Nat Wong | HL7 Australia | |
X | Wendy Huang | Canada Infoway | |
Quorum Requirements Met (Chair + 2 members): Yes |
Agenda Topics
- 3-Year Work Plan
- Project requirements and PA - from Wendy
Supporting Documents
Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
The WG reviewed the 3-year work plan. In reviewing the status of the Service Delivery Location. In doing research, the Real Time Location Tracking Topic was found. The status of this topic was briefly discussed and she suggested that we contact Alexander Henket. A message was sent to him to try to find out the status of this topic based on the "full red circle" which the WG took to mean normative, the "half-red" circle that shows as the current status.
The WG moved on to addressing the topic from Wendy concerning the Provider Registry topic. The RMIM for add provider was reviewed. Wendy noted to the WG that it is unclear what the PrivilegeCategorization is for. This seems to be for grouping privildges for the focus provider.
There actually is a definition of PrivilegeCategorization but we are not certiain it is helpful. Wendy will consult with John Kufor-Boakye to get some clarity on the usage of this class and what are the requirements.
The WG continued with the 3-year work plan.
In working through, it appears that the Provider Registry topic is currently normative for release 1. There is a project scope statement (#359) to work on release 2, stating the following -
Provider Registry Release 2 will address the following requirements:
- Support the use of Accountability History methodology
- Add name attribute to QualifiedEntityRole
- Add Organization parameter to Provider Query
Irma found materials for "work in progress". Based on this. the WG will check if there are any comments from 2009 ballots, if not, we will move it to DSTU.
For the Scheduling project (292) we need to ask for the recon package also for 2007. We don't know if this did not go to ballot because it did not pass or if it merely did not get submitted for normative.
Meeting Outcomes
Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
. |
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
Thursday Q3
HL7 Patient Administration Meeting Minutes Location: Room# 2761 |
Date: 2012-01-19 Time: Thursday Q3 | ||
Facilitator | Alex de Leon | Note taker | Alex de Leon |
Attendee | Name | Affiliation | |
X | Irma Jongeneel | HL7 Netherlands | |
X | Alex de Leon | Kaiser Permanente | |
X | Barry Guinn | EPIC | |
X | Iryna Roy | HL7 Canada | |
X | Jane Daus | McKesson | |
Quorum Requirements Met (Chair + 4 members): Yes |
Agenda Topics
- Identity document
- 3 Year Work Plan Discussion (if able)
Supporting Documents
Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
The WG reviewed the identity document proposal on the wiki to revise for clarity.
Meeting Outcomes
Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
Thursday Q4
HL7 Patient Administration Meeting Minutes Location: Suite Parlor # 137, 1st Floor |
Date: 2012-01-19 Time: Thursday Q4 | ||
Facilitator | Line A Saele | Note taker | Line/Irma |
Attendee | Name | Affiliation | |
X | Irma Jongeneel | Canada Infoway | |
X | Alex de Leon | Kaiser Permanente | |
X | Barry Guinn | EPIC | |
Quorum Requirements Met (Chair + 2 members): No |
Agenda Topics
Wrap up
- Approve next ballot
- Update work plan
Supporting Documents
Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Due to not having quorum, we changed this quarter a bit. Irma gave Line a good introduction to the harmonization work, before we adjourned early - leaving Irma with some time to work on the same topic.
Meeting Outcomes
Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
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