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Patient Care Change Requests
This is the collection of change requests for the Patient Care domain.
At of now this list is a starting point for the promoting Patient Care from DSTU to Normative Standard.
Outstanding Requests
- PCCR-004-Patient Person context
- PCCR-005-Rename Assessment Scales
- PCCR-006-Add Medication information
- PCCR-007-Multidisciplinary Collaboration
- PCCR-009-Reason in Repsonse Model
- PCCR-010-Additional queries
- PCCR-011-Medication subscriptions
- PCCR-012-Query for encounters
- PCCR-013-Templates
- PCCR-014-Schedules
- PCCR-015-Counsellor
- PCCR-016-Dynamic Model
- PCCR-017-HL7 movement
- PCCR-018-Transactions across groups
- PCCR-019-Overview Structure versus Content
- PCCR-020-Missing RMIMs
- PCCR-021-Capture semantics in the depth
- PCCR-022-Importance of history now future
- PCCR-023-Patient Care home for more topics
- PCCR-024-RMIMs for other domains
- PCCR-025-Patient administration DMIM inconsistency
- PCCR-026-Link between models and templates
- PCCR-027-Use of templates
- PCCR-028-Make HL7 understandable
- PCCR-029-Support for Modelling
- PCCR-030-New trigger events
- PCCR-031-Assessment Scale upgrade
- PCCR-032-Query for class attributes
- PCCR-033-Support for Vaccination Records
- PCCR-034-Condition
- PCCR-040-Cardinality of author attributes
- PCCR-041-Cardinality of contextControlCode in actRelationships
- PCCR-042-Invalid XML
- PCCR-043-Missing priorityCode in Concern
- PCCR-044-Missing sequenceNumber in actRelationship reason