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FHIR Infrastructure Minutes CC 20190128
FHIR Infrastructure Conference Call 3:00PM Eastern Time (Date above)
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- Approve Minutes Prior Meeting on 2019-01-07
- Approve Minutes From WGM in San Antonio on 2019-01
- FHIR Bulk Data PSS
- LLoyd McKenzie (chair)
- Rick Geimer (scribe)
- Abdullah Rafiqi
- Dan Donahue
- Dave Hamill
- Dragon
- Eric Haas
- Grahame Grieve
- Jeffery Danford
- Joe Quinn
- Ricky Sahu
- Shamil Nizamov
Minutes approval
- Motion to Approve Minutes Prior Meeting on 2019-01-07: Rick Geimer/Dragon: 12-0-0
- Motion to Approve Minutes From WGM in San Antonio on 2019-01: Rick Geimer/Eric Haas: 12-0-0
FHIR Bulk Data PSS
- Reviewed the PSS from Ricky Sahu
- Discussed having FHIR-I and Security as sponsors (which should be primary?) - Some discussion about how this IG differs from what is in the core spec about the use of NDJSON.