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#*Sean then provided an demonstration of the changes to Trifolia  
#*Sean then provided an demonstration of the changes to Trifolia  
#*Trifolia used an individual OID for each version, but with negative comments it was decided to update the tool to follow the Templates DSTU  
#*Trifolia used an individual OID for each version, but with negative comments it was decided to update the tool to follow the Templates DSTU  
#*Austin noted that there should be testing done where projects are not using the recommended Template DSTU versioning, #*Sean stated that Lantana has work in progress for exactly this scenario and it would be exercised.
#*Austin noted that there should be testing done where projects are not using the recommended Template DSTU versioning,  
#*Sean stated that Lantana has work in progress for exactly this scenario and it would be exercised.
#*Andy asked what would be required of Tooling, Rick and Austin thought the primary needs would education and assistance with testing during the rollout  
#*Andy asked what would be required of Tooling, Rick and Austin thought the primary needs would education and assistance with testing during the rollout  
#*ACTION:  Obtain a definitive list of projects that would be impacted would be helpful.  However, we can't get that until June 30th, after the NIBs have been submitted.
#*ACTION:  Obtain a definitive list of projects that would be impacted would be helpful.  However, we can't get that until June 30th, after the NIBs have been submitted.

Latest revision as of 17:22, 26 June 2014

Tooling Meeting Template

Meeting Information

Standing Conference Calls

The Tooling WG will hold a Conference Call at 2 PM Eastern time, each Thursday except during scheduled face-to-face Working Group Meetings unless otherwise noted at Telecon_Agendas.

Conference Call: Uses HL7 Conference Call Service
Dial 770-657-9270 and enter pass code 586935#
GoToMeeting at 482-299-629
HL7 Tooling Meeting Agenda/Minutes
Location: Phone: +1 770-657-9270;
Participant PassCode:586935#
GoToMeeting ID: 482-299-629
Date: 2014-06-19
Time: 2PM Eastern
Facilitator: Dennis Note taker(s): Dave
Attendee Name, Affiliation
. .
Woody Beeler, interim Vocabulary liaison
X Wilfred Bonney, HL7 HQ
Jeff Brown, HL7 ES liaison
Dennis Cheung, co-chair, CIHI
X Matt Graham, Mobile Health liaison
X Dave Hamill, HQ
regrets Lynn Laakso, HL7 HQ Tooling Support
Abdul-Malik Shakir, CIC liaison
X Lloyd McKenzie, FHIR liaison
John Ritter, EHR
Rik Smithies, CS liaison
Rob Snelick, CGIT liaison
Rene Spronk, Marketing liaison
X Andy Stechishin, Co-chair
Michael van der Zel, co-chair
X Rick Geimer
X Sean McIlvernna
X Austin Kreisler
X Lisa Nelson
X Michael van der Zel, co-chair
Quorum Requirements Met (co-chair plus 3 counting staff): (yes/No)


Agenda Topics

  • Roll Call & Agenda Review
  • Approval of previous minutes from 2014-06-12 Tooling Call
  • Review action items -
    • Andy (and Dennis) will follow up with Diego on the Education project;
    • Andy and Woody will work on loading MIF metadata to HingX
    • Michael will make a draft slide of all the tools that we monitor and support to include: RMIM designer, Rosetree, bluebutton to ccd, EHR-S FM profiler, MIF tools for consideration at the next WGM
    • Andy and Lorraine will draft dissolution request and new ES M&C and distribute to lists
    • Andy will contact John Quinn to confirm awareness of the plan
  • Update from Tooling Liaisons:
    • CIC - AMS
    • CS - Rik Smithies
    • CGIT - Rob Snelick
    • Education - Diego Kaminker
    • EHR - John Ritter
    • Electronic Services - Jeff Brown
    • FHIR - Lloyd McKenzie
    • Marketing - Rene Spronk
    • Mobile Health - Matt Graham
    • Patient Care, AID - Michael Van der Zel
    • Structured Documents, Publishing, Templates, OHT liaison- Andy Stechishin
    • Vocabulary - Woody Beeler (interim)
  • Discussion of merger with ES
  • Other/New Business

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. MOTION: By M. Graham. Seconded by A. Kreisler. Approved minutes from 2014-06-12 Tooling Call
  2. FHIR Liaison Update (L. McKenzie)
    • Regarding the tooling space, FMG is refactoring the requirements around FHIR registries. They want to finalize the requirements around the OID registry change in direction. Once finalized with FMG, which they hope to have done next week, they'll have the Tooling WG review them before proceeding to working on an RFP.
    • Continued Refactoring of publication tool
    • Work continues to be done on the FORGE tool for Profiles
  3. Mobile Health Liaison Update (M. Graham)
    • No new requests
  4. Structured Docs Liaison Update (R. Geimer)
    • The Templates DSTU is entering final publication, and some recommendations have come forward for template versioning which differs from what's been done in the past. SD WG felt they should be present at the Tooling WG call because these of these changes.
    • Andy was wondering on the impacts from a Tooling standpoint, Austin suggested that this change may have an impact on projects in flight with particular impact on the current ballot cycle and the ability to meet deadlines.
    • Sean then provided an demonstration of the changes to Trifolia
    • Trifolia used an individual OID for each version, but with negative comments it was decided to update the tool to follow the Templates DSTU
    • Austin noted that there should be testing done where projects are not using the recommended Template DSTU versioning,
    • Sean stated that Lantana has work in progress for exactly this scenario and it would be exercised.
    • Andy asked what would be required of Tooling, Rick and Austin thought the primary needs would education and assistance with testing during the rollout
    • ACTION: Obtain a definitive list of projects that would be impacted would be helpful. However, we can't get that until June 30th, after the NIBs have been submitted.
  5. Discussion of merger with ES
    • No real updates, next action is for Lorraine and Andy to work on new proposed M&C
  6. Adjourned 14:58 Eastern

Meeting Outcomes

  • Obtain a definitive list of projects that would be impacted would be helpful. However, we can't get that until June 30th, after the NIBs have been submitted.
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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