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Patient Administration Work Group Meeting – Thursday January 17, 2013


Thursday Q1

HL7 Patient Administration Meeting Minutes

Location: Guest Room #3101

Date: 2013-01-17
Time: Thursday Q1
Facilitator Line Saele Note taker Alex de Leon
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Line Saele Canada Infoway
X Alexander Henket HL7 Netherlands
X Helen Drijfhout HL7 Netherlands
X Christian Hay GS1
X Toril Reite HL7 Norway
X Brad Fonseca Canada Health Infoway
X Tanya Achilles Canada Health Infoway
X Alex de Leon Kaiser Permanente
Quorum Requirements Met (Chair + 2 members): Yes


Agenda Topics

  • V3 Work - Interdependent Registries

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Line as chair reviewed the agenda for this quarter and with the WGs approval moved to cover provider and organization registries to take advantage of the attendance of interested parties from Canada Health Infoway. Alex went through some of the history of Organization and Provider registries. Release 1 has been Normative as of 2005, being put forth then by the Personnel Management Work Group. What is currently in DSTU is Release 2, which was also put forth for ballot shortly before the Personnel Management Work Group was disbanded. This work then came into the domain of the PA work group. This is the material that Canada Health Infoway may currently be interested in carrying forward, rather than have the PAWG withdraw as ballot material and as a project.
After this explanation, Brad and Tanya expressed an interest in moving this work forward after review of the materials and given that there is interest from within their organization. Because of this, it was worthwhile to clarify that the work on Organization and Provider Registries should be linked to the work that is being revived for the Interdependent Registries topic. This could help identify implementers for the Rel 2 work of Provider and Organization, once the scope of work was reviewed and validated as useful. We identified Iryna Roy, also from Canada Health Infoway, as a member of PA who has been making attempts at updating the Domain Analysis Model (DAM) for Interdependent Registries, using the Enterprise Architect modeling tool. The action would be for Canada Health Infoway to review the release 1 and 2 materials to see if they are pertinent for their needs. The suggestion was to contact HL7 New Zealand and other Canada Health Infoway resources. The WG will expect input and status in the May WGM.
3-Year Work Plan work status
The WG proceeded to try to address the status of some of the ballot material, taking advantage of the availability of our modeling facilitator presence.
Alexander H. proceeded to show the latest changes in the ballot material. For CMETs, the intention was to update the CMETs based on the changes that we were making to the Person and Patient topics. The listing of PA CMETs on the ballot website to be updated so far are:

  • E_LivingSubject universal (COCT_RM030000UV)
  • E_LivingSubject identified-confirmable (COCT_RM030002UV)
  • E_LivingSubject xyz (COCT_RM030007UV)
  • E_NonPersonLivingSubject identified-confirmable (COCT_RM030102UV)
  • E_NonPersonLivingSubject informational (COCT_RM030107UV)
  • E_NonPersonLivingSubject identified-informational (COCT_RM030108UV)
  • E_NonPersonLivingSubject universal (COCT_RM030100UV)
  • E_Person universal (COCT_RM030200UV)
  • E_Person identified-confirmable (COCT_RM030202UV)
  • R_Patient universal (COCT_RM050000UV)
  • R_Patient identified-confirmable (COCT_RM050002UV)
  • R_Patient contact (COCT_RM050003UV)

These were not able to be published last WGM in Baltimore. The WG needs to find out what needs to be done to have these published in the next ballot cycle.
Action: Ask Don what we must do in order to publish the identified CMETs in the next ballot cycle. Line will do this.
Alexander H. is still unclear whether the identified CMETs are the definitive list of CMETs to be updated based on our Person and Patient topic work. Irma will be consulted to validate this work based on her realm knowledge.
Action: Contact Irma about validating the CMET list. Line Saele will follow up with Irma.
While we are working with Personnel Management for the registries work, we may need to identify the CMETs that might be affected to be included in the above ballot material as well.
These might or might not include:

  • E_Organization contact (COCT_RM150003UV03)
  • E_Organization identified (COCT_RM150001UV01)
  • E_Organization identified-confirmable (COCT_RM150002UV01)
  • E_Organization informational (COCT_RM150007UV)
  • E_Organization universal (COCT_RM150000UV02)
  • R_ResponsibleOrganization universal (COCT_RM040300UV09)

Action: Validate with Irma whether these might be updated based on the work on Organization Registries work and whether there are Provider CMETs that might be effected by the Provider Registries effort by Canada Health Infoway. Line Saele.
Person and Patient. Alexander Henket advised us that public health (PHER) WG has come up with their own CMET versions for Person and Patient that will probably need to be harmonized with the PA versions. Alexander suggested that there should be a gap analysis between what PA has as a CMET and what PHER has as CMETs for Person and Patient.
Helen suggested that it might be worthwhile to have a joint session with PHER to discuss their CMETs needs and potential harmonization work.
Action: Alexander to do a gap analysis of the CMETs for Patient and Person (PHER vs PA).
Action: Schedule a joint session with PHER for May 2013. Line
The WG continued to work on the Interdependent Registries.
Item# 25
Action: Ask Mittra Rocca what the intention of the comment.

Meeting Outcomes

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • Action Item:
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • .

Thursday Q2

HL7 Patient Administration Meeting Minutes

Location: Guest Room #3101

Date: 2013-01-17
Time: Thursday Q2
Facilitator Line Saele Note taker Alex de Leon
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Line Saele HL7 Norway
X Alex de Leon Kaiser Permanente
X Barry Guinn EPIC
X Helen Drijfhout HL7 Netherlands
X Toril Reite HL7 Norway
X Christian Hay GS1
Quorum Requirements Met (Chair + 2 members): Yes


Agenda Topics

  • GS1

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
The WG continued with GS1 presentation from Christian Hay.
Christian continued with presenting the current status of the GS1 effort. At this time there is an ISO spec being balloted regarding bar coding and formatting of subject of care identification key. The structure of the key was discussed. There was an idea of incorporating OIDs into the key. Christian Hay said that this might present some difficulties. Irma suggested in Baltimore that we use the observation value in the add patient message. Lloyd suggested that we due this to identify the patient. Then use another OID to capture the serial number.
Patient Identification OID: xxxx (GS1 fixed length)
Value: yyyyy
Serial Number OID: aaaa (SRIN variable length)
Value: ssss
The problem would be in connecting these two values. One option:
OID: xxxx.yyyyy
Value: ssss
The problem is that there are variable lengths in some of the values
Helen proceeded to show the R MIM for Patient Activate to show how the administration observation could possibly be leveraged using OIDs. The value would be used but the implementers would have to extract the instance in the value string.
The WG continued to discuss whether this would work with FHIR. Helen brought up the resource for SubjectOfCare. Within this, the “otherInformation” attribute could possibly be used for this. If the intention is for the wristband to truly identify the patient, then the identifier of the resource may be used since the cardinality is 0…* and the data type is HumanId which seems to fit the usage here.
The issue came up of how to take this from theoretic usage to practical use. It was suggested to create a project to define where to use the GS1 GSRN within the following HL7 standards: HL7v2, HL7v3, CDA and FHIR. However this minimally requires two implementers. Some inquiries need to be made. Perhaps Norway, Kaiser, etc.
Action: Alex will validate if this is something we can do, with the idea that there are no clear “implementers”.
Christian stated that he will present this to HL7 management for their approval based on the support agreement.
Meanwhile, the WG continued with creating a Project Scope Statement.
Motion: Christian moved to create a project for the integration of the GS1 Global Service Relation Number (GSRN) into the following HL7 Standards: v2, v3, CDA and FHIR with the work product being an implementation guide. Helen seconded.
Vote: 5/0/0
Action: Line will contact people in the Pharmacy WG and Medical Devices WG as “interested parties”.

Meeting Outcomes

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)


Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • .

Thursday Q3

HL7 Patient Administration Meeting Minutes

Location: Guest Room# 1301

Date: 2013-01-17
Time: Thursday Q3
Facilitator Line Saele Note taker Alex de Leon
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Line Saele HL7 Norway
X Alex de Leon Kaiser Permanente
X Nat Wong HL7 Australia
X Toril Reite HL7 Norway
X Helen Drijfhout HL7 Netherlands
Quorum Requirements Met (Chair + 2 members): Yes


Agenda Topics

  • Identity document
  • 3 Year Work Plan Discussion (if able)

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
The WG discussed current work in preparation for updates to the May WGM Agenda.
In looking at the ballot comment spreadsheet for interdependent registries, there seems to be over 20 left to disposition. This means that we will continue addressing these in our weekly PA calls. The idea was to send out the specifics about what we will address before the meetings to allow people to review the items before they are reviewed and voted on.
SOA – Alex de Leon will talk to Ken Rubin during the break between Q3 and Q4 (cookie break) about having a joint session on Q4 on Wednesday
PHER – Line Saele will contact this WG for joint session on Q2 on Thursday of Atlanta WGM in May.
Alex told the group that he was able to advise one of each co-chair each for the Pharmacy and Medical Devices Co-chairs that we have listed them as interested parties for the GS1/HL7 standards integration work.

Meeting Outcomes

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • .

Thursday Q4

HL7 Patient Administration Meeting Minutes

Location: Guest Room #1301

Date: 2013-01-17
Time: Thursday Q4
Facilitator Line Saele Note taker Alex de Leon
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Line Saele HL7 Norway
X Toril Reite HL7 Norway
X Alex de Leon Kaiser Permanente
X Alexander Henket HL7 Netherlands
X Helen Drijfhout HL7 Netherlands
X Brad Fonseca Canada Health Infoway
Quorum Requirements Met (Chair + 2 members): Yes


Agenda Topics
Wrap up

  • Approve next ballot
  • Update work plan

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Alex de Leon was able to talk to Ken Rubin. He confirmed that the WG can have a joint session or send a representative from SOA to join a session, whichever we prefer. So, in preparing for the next WGM, the WG discussed adding:

  • Joint session with SOA Wed Q4
  • Joint Session with PHER – Thurs Q1

This was added to the agenda for the WGM Agenda in May 2013
Alexander Henket reviewed the PSS for GS1 identifiers, since his name is listed as the publishing facilitator. He suggested that this might be more within the domain of InM. After consideration, it was decided that the WG should contact the InM WG leadership to ask whether then this should be in their realm.
Action: Contact InM to see whether this is more within their realm to sponsor. Alex.
Alexander would need specific use cases for the use of the GSRN for this effort. He is not sure that there is a full implementation guide is needed to define how to put this “identifier” into the standards. Normally, use of an identifier would mean use of an OID in V3 and Identifier type in v2.
Action: Alexander H. will try to talk to Christian Hay to get details on what his needs are. Failing that, Alexander will let Line know if he should be included in a future telecom.
The WG proceeded to go over what we will include in the next ballot:

  • FHIR v0.07 (Patient, Animal, Provider, Organization, Group, Encounter) work - DSTU
  • PA CMETs - Normative
  • Person R2 – Normative
  • Patient R2 – Normative

Projects to be withdrawn

  • Scheduling should be withdrawn as a normative standard. Already off the ballot stuff in terms of ballot documentation.
  • Identity Document should be withdrawn as a normative standard. Already off the ballot stuff in terms of ballot documentation.

Ask Don How to Move to Normative
Release 1 Version 3 Person
Release 1 Version 3 Patient
Action: Review and confirm what we are to reaffirm based on max normative timeline (5 year). Alex d.
‘’’Action Items’’’
Action: Service delivery location to have a new PSS from Canada in May WGM. Brad Fonseca to follow up.
Action: Check May 2011 for any minutes decisions, motions on moving service delivery locations to registries. If intent, then we can leave it. If voted on, we can re-vote. Or we can follow through. Alex d.
Meeting adjourned at 5PM.

Meeting Outcomes

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • Proposed date of conference call: 1/28/13.

Agenda topics:

  • Interdependent Registries DAM Ballot Reconciliation
  • Review Jan 2013 WGM Action Items


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