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*[[January 2019 Security Working Group Meeting Agenda - San Antonio]] - DRAFT
*[[January 2019 Security Working Group Meeting Agenda - San Antonio]] - DRAFT
*[ January 2019 Balloting Schedule]
*[ January 2019 Balloting Schedule]
*[[September 2018 Security Working Group Meeting Agenda- Baltimore]]
*[[September 2018 Security Working Group Meeting Agenda - Baltimore]]
*[[September 2018 Security Working Group Meeting Agenda- Baltimore (DRAFT)]]
*[[September 2018 Security Working Group Meeting Agenda- Baltimore (DRAFT)]]
*[[HL7 September 2018 WGM MINUTES - Baltimore (DRAFT)]]
*[[HL7 September 2018 WGM MINUTES - Baltimore (DRAFT)]]

Revision as of 18:09, 7 October 2018

Leadership Governance Weekly_Meeting_Information

Alexander Mense - Program Director Information Management und IT-Security University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien

Kathleen Connor - VHA Security Architecture – Framework Engineering (Book Zurman Inc.)

John Moehrke - By-Light Professional IT Services, Inc

Trish Williams PhD - Flinders University

Christopher Shawn - VHA Security Architecture

Security Decision Making Processes

Security Mission & Charter 2017

SWOT Sep 2016

Security 3-Year Plan

Weekly, Tuesday at 3 pm EST (12 pm PST) Beginning March 28 - Security WG FreeConference web meeting

  • Online Meeting ID: security36
  • Dial-in Number: (515) 604-9567 Access Code: 880898

Call Weekly Call Agenda Links below on this home page. Please be aware that teleconference meetings are recorded to assist with creating the meeting minutes

Foundation and Technology Steering Division Home Page


Security WGM Calendar and Minutes

Upcoming San Antonio, Texas, USA WGM January xx-xx, 2019)

Security FHIR Connectathons

Security WG Weekly Meeting Minutes and Agenda

Archive - Security WG WGM and Weekly Meeting Minutes and Agenda

HL7 FHIR Security Calls

Security Project Space

HL7 Security Review and Comment Topics

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

"Is Privacy Obsolete" Study Group Page"

HL7 Kantara and OASIS X-Paradigm Research by Mohammad Jafari

Features papers and blogs were developed to encourage collaborative development across several standards supporting emerging healthcare privacy and security use cases.

ONC Interoperability Standards Advisory 2018 Review and Comment Page

ONC Trusted Exchange Common Agreement Framework Comments Page

FHIR Bulk Data Transfer Privacy and Security Concerns

FHIR Consumer Centered Data Exchange (CCDE) Connectathon

HL7 Version 2 Privacy and Security

Archive of HL7 Security Review and Comment Topics

Approved Security WG Projects

Privacy and Security Framework Architecture (PSAF), TF4FA Ballot Reconciliation

PASS Healthcare Audit Services Project

  • [<<add link>> Ballot Reconciliation Sheet]
  • <<add link>> Ballot Document

HL7 FHIR Security Topics (wiki page)]

HL7 Patient Friendly Consent Directive Project

Trust Label

Security Labeling Service Project Wiki

Healthcare Privacy and Security Classification System

Security and Privacy Ontology Project Wiki

HL7 DS4P CBCC-Security WG Joint Project

Joint Vocabulary Alignment Project

Joint Projects with ONC and Others

Updates to the FHIR Security Pages per ONC Precision Medicine Initiative and API Privacy and Security Considerations

Consent on FHIR

Security WG members collaborating on ONC Patient Choice Project Mike Davis, Duane Decouteau, Mohammad Jafari, and Tony Mallia participated in the ONC Patient Choice Basic Consent Pilots at the HL7 Connectathon. Presentations, demonstration, and other material available on this page.

HIMSS 2017 Patient Choice

Featuring FHIR Consent and Consent2Share with UMA and Smart on FHIR Authorization Servers, ONC Patient Choice pilots VA and MiHIN join SAMHSA to demonstrate how emerging technologies can protect sensitive patient health information in implementer friendly ways. See this page for HIMSS collateral, vignette, and demonstration links.

HIMSS 2017 Patient Choice on FHIR

Security Ballot Information

Security Harmonization Information

HL7 Security Video Library

Privacy on FHIR

HL7 Security Document Library

Security WG Reference Model Code

Action Item List

Tracking List