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Revision as of 00:33, 15 March 2018

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Meeting Information

HL7 Negation Requirements Meeting Minutes

Location: Phone

Date: 2018-03-14
Time: 5:00-6:00 ET
Facilitator Jay Lyle Note taker(s) Jay Lyle
Attendee Name Affiliation

y Jay Lyle JP Systems / VA
y Russ Leftwich
y Elaine Ayres
y Stephen Chu
y George Dixon
y Sue Kent
y Lindsey Hoggle
y Yanyan Hu


Agenda Topics

  1. VSAC text
  2. Publication of ballot document
  3. Maintenance; liaison with CCDA & FHIR


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. We will continue our meetings at the biweekly Wednesday time until the agenda items are resolved.
  2. Re VSAC stewardship: Jay and Elaine to talk to HL7 HTA about appropriate path. This includes maintenance plans.
  3. VSAC text in process. Note guidance from NLM.
  4. Similar value sets are published by other groups. Check for overlap.
  5. publish in VSAC, using roles (2) and text (3) defined above.
  6. Document publication process steps
    1. Jay finish applying changes, circulate document
    2. After VSAC publication publish, include OIDs
  7. FHIR & CCDA adoption
    1. CCDA: Emma, Lisa
    2. FHIR: Michelle

Proposed VSAC definitions

element text
Drug substances
OID NLM-assigned
Name Common Drug Substances for Allergy and Intolerance Documentation
Clinical focus Documentation of a medication substance commonly suspected of causing an allergy or intolerance reaction in an individual
Date element Scope Reactant element of allergy or intolerance record
Inclusion criteria RxNorm substances of term type ingredient (IN) or multiple ingredient (MIN)
Exclusion criteria Other RxNorm term types
Drug classes
OID NLM-assigned
Name Common drug classes for allergy and intolerance documentation
Author TBD
Steward TBD
Clinical focus Documentation of a class of medication substances suspected of causing an allergy or intolerance reaction in an individual
Date element Scope Reactant element of allergy or intolerance record
Inclusion criteria NDF-RT drug classes commonly relevant to allergy or intolerance cross-reactivity
Exclusion criteria NDF-RT drug classes not commonly relevant to allergy or intolerance cross-reactivity
OID NLM-assigned
Name Common dietary substances for allergy and intolerance documentation
Author TBD
Steward TBD
Clinical focus Documentation of a class of foods and dietary substances suspected of causing an allergy or intolerance reaction in an individual
Date element Scope Reactant element of allergy or intolerance record
Inclusion criteria SNOMED-CT dietary substances ingested by patients, both specific (e.g., strawberry) and general (e.g., crustaceans); Substances that may be either foods or drugs (e.g., ethanol)
Exclusion criteria SNOMED-CT prodcuts; environmental substances; expressions asserting absence of conditions; Actual conditions caused by exposure (reactions, allergies)
Environmental substances
OID NLM-assigned
Name Common environmental substances for allergy and intolerance documentation
Author TBD
Steward TBD
Clinical focus Documentation of environmental substances to which patients may be exposed suspected of causing an allergy or intolerance reaction in an individual
Date element Scope Reactant element of allergy or intolerance record
Inclusion criteria SNOMED-CT environmental substances suspected of causing reactions
Exclusion criteria Drugs and foods; expressions asserting absence of conditions; Actual conditions caused by exposure (reactions, allergies)

Meeting Outcomes

  • Please review questions
  • Please review ballot outline

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • Review draft list
  • Review draft ballot

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