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Adding Properties to a Concept Code

[Not exposed in application]

Properties such as openIssue, appliesTo, howApplies, etc. can be added to concept codes during either the code system registration or code system update phases.

Element addPropertyToCode

addPropertyToCode can have its own ballotStatus or can inherit the ballotStatus from the containing entry. The concept code, property id and language code are defined as attributes (see below). The property value itself is entered in the property element.

Attributes of addPropertyToCode
conceptCode The concept code to which the property is to be added
conceptName The preferred name of the code. Optional, but validated if supplied.
propertyId The unique identifier of the property to be added
language The language of the property. Default is “en” if not supplied.
Example XML for addPropertyToCode

The above example adds an appliesTo property to concept code “1007”. The sample also shows an example of a negative vote – probably because the appliesTo property was being badly misused.