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V3 Publishing ConCall Minutes 20121109

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Minutes of Recent Publishing Conference Calls

V3 Publishing Teleconference

Meeting Information

HL7 V3 Publishing Meeting Minutes

Location: GoToMeeting ID: 212-860-120

Conference Call: HL7 Conference Call Service:

  • Phone: 770-657-9270
  • Passcode: 657896
Date: 2012-07-29
Time: 1:00-2:00 pm Eastern
Facilitator Woody Beeler (GWB) Note taker(s) Andy Stechishin (AS)
Attendee Name Affiliation
× George "Woody" Beeler (GWB) Beeler Consulting
× Dennis Cheung (DC) eHealth Ontario
Jean Duteau (JD) Gordon Point Informatics
Pete Gilbert (PG)
Alexander Henket (AH) E.Novation
× Austin Kreisler (AK) SAIC/CDC
Patrick Loyd (PL) Gordon Point Informatics
× Don Lloyd (DL) HL7 International
× Sean Muir (SM)
× Dale Nelson (DN) Lantana Consulting
× Brian Pech (BP) Kaiser-Permanente
× Andy Stechishin (AS) Gordon Point Informatics
Rob Savage (RS)
Michael Tan (MT) NICTIZ
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes


Agenda Topics

  1. Agenda review and approval
  2. Approve Minutes of previous meeting November 2
  3. Implementation Guide Publishing Quality sub-group report
  4. Education Project for Facilitator Training by Webinar
  5. Announcements
  6. Update on Action Items
    • AS will produce chart/model/diagram to create a visual image of the Publishing Workflow
    • GWB will follow up with Security model to determine if it can be opened and updated
    • AS will create Publishing Steps Wiki page
    • GWB needs to add documentation on non-domain quick publishing step
  7. Around the table
  8. Future Business
    1. Deadlines and due dates
  9. Adjourn
    • Motion:


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. Agenda
    • Called to order 1:03 pm Eastern
  2. Approve Minutes of previous meeting November 2
    • Motion: Approve amended agenda and accept minutes as posted AS/DL 4-0-1 (DN abstains)
  3. Implementation Guide Publishing Quality sub-group report
    • No update, V2 Publishing did not have quorum and so did not discuss the resolution from last meeting
  4. Announcements
    • GWB: Will provide some terse documentation on testing of the Publishing tool suite with Windows 8 and Visio 2013
      • Some issues in Visio 2013, the HTML display for vocabulary browsing
      • Some issues in RMIM designer caused by a security update.
        • Notes will be on the Wiki pages
    • Harmonization finished and results should be posted next week
  5. Update on Action Items
    • AS will produce chart/model/diagram to create a visual image of the Publishing Workflow
    • GWB will follow up with Security model to determine if it can be opened and updated
    • AS will create Publishing Steps Wiki page
    • GWB needs to add documentation on non-domain quick publishing step
  6. Ballot Preview Content
    • Much content has arrived, DL will try to have the site up on Monday
    • One change - because of Out of Cycle HQMF the Preview site will have a unique URL for the moment
    • AK commented that Publishing may wish to consider a distinct site for US Realm ballots
    • AS commented that we may want a distinct URL for the Preview site
  7. Education Project for Facilitator Training by Webinar
    • AK has been tasked by the TSC with addressing facilitator training
    • Work Groups have identified that under-trained facilitators is one of the major problems
    • Facilitators are among the busiest people at WGMs, so there is a need to do training between WGMs
    • AS commented that a series of short focused podcasts with the ability for people to comment on
    • GWB took some notes:
      • Webinar series for Facilitator Training
        • Items to Cover
          • Topics -
          • Publishing
          • Modeling
          • Roles - (in re Publishing and the WG)
          • Responsibilities -
            • Pubs Mtgs
            • Managing Content
            • QA of content offered
          • Tooling
          • Modeling
          • Desktop Publishing (multiple)
        • Questions:
          • Would not PodCasts be better - shorter; targeted; how-to; Video; could also include feed-back from the Video
    • Motion: Publishing will co-sponsor the Facilitator Training AK/AS unanimous
  8. Around the table
    • None
  9. Future Business
    1. Deadlines and due dates
  10. Adjourned 1:37 pm Eastern.

Meeting Outcomes

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
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Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
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