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V3 Publishing ConCall Minutes 20110527

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Minutes of Recent Publishing Conference Calls

V3 Publishing Teleconference

Meeting Information

HL7 V3 Publishing Meeting Minutes

Location: GoToMeeting ID: 212-860-120

Conference Call: HL7 Conference Call Service:

  • Phone: 770-657-9270
  • Passcode: 657896
Date: 2011-05-27
Time: 12:00-1:00 pm Eastern
Facilitator Andy Stechishin (AS) Note taker(s) Andy Stechishin (AS)
Attendee Name Affiliation
George "Woody" Beeler (GWB) Beeler Consulting
Jean Duteau (JD) Gordon Point Informatics
Pete Gilbert (PG)
× Alexander Henket (AH)
× Austin Kreisler (AK) SAIC/CDC
Patrick Loyd (PL) Gordon Point Informatics
× Don Lloyd (DL) HL7 International
Mary-Kay McDaniel (MK)
Dale Nelson (DN)
× Gregg Seppala (GS) Veteran's Administration
× Andy Stechishin (AS) Gordon Point Informatics
Rob Savage (RS)
× Michael Tan (MT)
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes


Agenda Topics

  1. Agenda review and approval
  2. Role call and agenda
  3. Approve Minutes of previous meetings May 6
  4. Approve Orlando WGM Minutes
  5. Notes from Don Lloyd
  6. Around the table
  7. Future Business
    1. Deadlines and due dates
  8. Adjourn


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. Agenda
    • Called to order 12:05 pm Eastern
    • Added agenda item to determine disposition of 'late' Normative Edition materials
  2. Approve Minutes of previous meetings May 6
    • Motion: Approve minutes as posted AK/GS 3-0-2 (Abstain: MT, DL)
  3. Determine disposition of 'late' Normative Edition materials
    • DL requested the group make a determination on two items that resolved ballot issues after the normative edition deadline had passed
    • The group first wanted to ensure first that inclusion of the material in the current Normative Edition did not present an extra, onerous, amount of work for DL.
    • DL also noted that ANSI rules require publishing within 6 months of passing, to which a general discussion ensued on mechanisms to handle this requirement going forward. It was decided to table the discussion on handling the ANSI 6-month rule until Woody Beeler was also in attendance.
    • Motion: Allow an exception for a single time to publish Common Product Model and ITS Structures R2 AK/GS 4-0-1 (Abstain: AH)
  4. Approve Orlando WGM Minutes
    • Not done, minutes not ready yet.
  5. Notes from Don Lloyd
    • Normative Edition
      • Deadline has passed, currently working to ensure all content is in and correct
    • Deadlines
      • CBC deadline is next Sunday (May 29,2011)
  6. Around the table
    • Alexander Henket
      • Has many problems with getting the tools working
    • Michael Tan
      • Patient Care will not be balloting in September cycle
  7. Future Business
    • Orlando Minutes
    • Continued discussion on Normative Edition deadlines
  8. Adjourned 12:58 pm Eastern.

Meeting Outcomes

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
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Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • .